View Full Version : This is awesome : What happens with water..in Space?

19-04-2013, 3:49pm
Two school students asked a question about water in space, and the International Space Station got involved to show the answer:


Mary Anne
19-04-2013, 4:54pm
Fascinating Rick I never knew that. Thanks for sharing :2encou:

19-04-2013, 7:38pm
It is! You just can't do that with a "bunch of water" here on Earth.

aussie girl
19-04-2013, 10:42pm
So now you know why they have to use vacuum tubes when they go to the toilet!!!

Love the way the microphone just stays there, hovering. Is this how a skyhook would work, ha ha

I got sent this clip a while ago which I found really interesting. Hope you dont mind me adding it to your post Rick. Feel free to move it if you want to. It was a tour of the space station that was filmed by a departing Space Station Commander, which shows you all around the space station.


20-04-2013, 3:53pm
That is a great clip, very interesting :D

old dog
20-04-2013, 4:01pm
hey,thats cool Rick.

20-04-2013, 5:15pm
Next: Ice In Space? Frost in Space?
Beer in Space...

21-04-2013, 12:07am
Haha awesome, that is intersting. :th3:

23-04-2013, 10:33am
very cool.

23-04-2013, 1:05pm
Both these videos are just amazing, I realise there's so much I don't appreciate about space and the people brave enough to go up there for months at a time.

Thanks for posting!

23-04-2013, 6:51pm
Both these videos are just amazing, I realise there's so much I don't appreciate about space and the people brave enough to go up there for months at a time.

Thanks for posting!

Months at a time? Ah, chickenfeed! I'm going on a 1-way trip to M:eek:rs.
It was on TV.

23-04-2013, 11:02pm
Here's an interesting one photography related for us: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFp9pndbSKM&feature=youtu.be

24-04-2013, 6:56am
Months at a time? Ah, chickenfeed! I'm going on a 1-way trip to M:eek:rs.
It was on TV.

Me thinks you mean a 1-way trip to Barsoom..and yes it was on TV. Edgar Rice Burrows would be proud!