View Full Version : Portrait Courses

rum pig
18-04-2013, 3:31pm
I'm thinking of doing a course on portrait photography.
As Darwin does not have anything except basic SLR courses I was wondering if someone could recommend a course down south that would be worth jumping on a plane to attend.
I have looked on line but i would like to have some personal feedback before I go to the expense of flying down to attend.


18-04-2013, 4:02pm
Surely there must be at least one TAFE type institution or CAE(College of Adult Education) that has a photography course of some type :confused:

Mark L
18-04-2013, 10:14pm
Any links to what your considering?

rum pig
19-04-2013, 7:19am
Surely there must be at least one TAFE type institution or CAE(College of Adult Education) that has a photography course of some type :confused:
Yes there is Arthurking but they all seem to be basic DSLR not portrait pacific. I have done the general ones now I want a more pacific course on portrait as that is an area that I have not had much experience.

Any links to what your considering?
Nothing pacific but I can put some links up. I googled portrait course and quite a number pop up and it was hard to tell if they were really any good as they all put there spin on them. I have attended courses before where you just sit back and think 'this is a waste of my time as it is aimed at a different level' so I just wondered if someone had attended a course they could recommend considering I would be paying to fly there and back again and of course accommodation, I did not want a back yard cowboy job who got his son to do up a web page.
I hope that make sense


19-04-2013, 7:43am
try the camera clubs. Often they run workshops for members.

19-04-2013, 9:51am
you dont say where down south you are willing to fly but if you mean fly down to WA, keep an eye on Camera Electronic workshops http://www.cameraelectronic.com.au/workshops.php
i have been to a couple, and they are thoroughly good, they usually bring in a big name photographer and depending on which one you go to, an arsenal of gear. I've been to the Nikon, Hasselblad and Profoto workshops and the gear they let you play with is worth the price of admission alone. They also bring in models from agency's to point the gear at:D

rum pig
19-04-2013, 10:45am
I'm willing to fly anywhere as it does not really matter from Darwin.
Here are two that looked ok to me

I will look into the local club but from what I have heard it is not much chop.

Thanks for all your help so far.

19-04-2013, 12:09pm
I wonder if it would be worth looking for a Darwin-based pro whose work you like, and seeing if they would be willing to give you some one-on-one tuition? That way you could cover the specific aspects you want (e.g. include some PP tuition if desired), and maybe also break it up over a longer period if desired. Unlikely to be cheap, but you seem willing to put some serious money into this.

I was also going to mention SPW (http://sydneyphotographicworkshops.com.au/), their one-day workshops look interesting. I did their 'Night' workshop a few years ago - seemed pretty good although a bit hard for me to judge as I knew most of the tech stuff beforehand (the workshop was a gift), but still good fun. Only hassle was that the number of students (I think around 10 from memory) all with tripods made it a bit difficult to get clean shots at a couple of locations.

You might also enquire at ACP (http://www.acp.org.au/) but I think most of their courses run over number of weeks. (I have no experience with them).


22-04-2013, 7:17pm
Hi Rum Pig

If you are prepared to travel......then subscribe to Peter Eastways Better Photography Magazine emails and you will get info on the portrait courses that he runs in Sydney's Hunter Valley.....VERY nice location! The courses are over one weekend and are extremely popular and sell out pretty quick. There is another tog involved, can't think of his name off the top of my head but he has property in the Hunter and that's where there the course is held. I have not done a portrait course myself with him but I have done other stuff with him and have met him....based on my experiences I'm sure you would not be disappointed.
Look into it!:)

Josh McLeod
15-07-2013, 7:37pm
Not sure if you have found a portrait course but I run a series of portrait workshops in Sydney.

They are for intermediate to advanced photographers and are very much hands on and are aimed at people looking to become commercial photographers

Check out www.portrart.net/workshops (http://www.portrart.net/workshops)

- - - Updated - - -

Not sure if you have found a portrait course but I run a series of portrait workshops in Sydney.

They are for intermediate to advanced photographers and are very much hands on and are aimed at people looking to become commercial photographers

Check out www.portrart.net/workshops (http://www.portrart.net/workshops)