View Full Version : Any Suggestions for a Zombie Themed Wedding??

10-04-2013, 11:28pm
Dear AP Land,

I am going to a wedding on Saturday. It is potentially going to be the wackiest wedding I have ever been to... It's zombie-themed and at the mercy of the bride - My insane sister. She is not having a professional photographer (which I worry will be a great disappointment to her in later years, but she insists that its not important to her), so I will be taking as many photos as I can, so she will at least have some shots of the day. I have also asked some of my talented family members, including AP Mod NikonNellie, to do the same. All of which will, no doubt, do a far greater job than I could. I am a bridesmaid, so I won't get any of the ceremony, but I will be shooting either side of that - Preparation for the wedding and the reception, plus details, such as the hall, the table decorations, the flowers, etc.

There will be nothing traditional or conventional about this wedding. There will be no white dress, there will be no tiered wedding cake, there may be zombie makeup. I won't go into too much detail, as I don't want to spoil the surprises she has in store for other family members who may read this, but lest to say, IT WILL BE DIFFERENT. Can anyone here impart any advice for shooting beautifully crafted shots, while maintaining the character of the day? I know my skill isn't up to that level yet, but I want to try my hardest to create some nice lasting memories for my beloved sister's special day and any advice on shooting zombies, weddings, or better yet - ZOMBIE Weddings will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!


11-04-2013, 8:16am
:eek: is about the best I can suggest.

11-04-2013, 8:30am
Shoot for the head

11-04-2013, 9:41am
I wish you would have put this thread up a few weeks earlier!

I would personally fly myself and my assistant down, and working with you do make this already interesting wedding, more interesting, and recorded it in image.

I could think of a zillion things can be done with this wedding! (Assuming the wedding is similar to what I have in mind).

It would be a good fun project.

I really think any APer in Sydney should organise and get involved. It would be one HELL of project and good experience.

11-04-2013, 7:27pm
it's simple - a good MUA, lots of (fake) blood, f8 and... RUUUNNNN! :eek:


11-04-2013, 8:50pm
:eek: is about the best I can suggest.

Haha, yeah - You can imagine my conservative family's response to her zombie wedding choice! :lol:

Shoot for the head

LOL!!! Will do!!

I wish you would have put this thread up a few weeks earlier!

I would personally fly myself and my assistant down, and working with you do make this already interesting wedding, more interesting, and recorded it in image.

I could think of a zillion things can be done with this wedding! (Assuming the wedding is similar to what I have in mind).

It would be a good fun project.

I really think any APer in Sydney should organise and get involved. It would be one HELL of project and good experience.

I think she is trying to keep costs down, but I do expect it will be very much a fun project!!

it's simple - a good MUA, lots of (fake) blood, f8 and... RUUUNNNN! :eek:


Hehehe, will do, but I am a bridesmaid and I think I'm going to be a zombie too!! A pregnant zombie at that!!!

12-04-2013, 9:22am
I mean, I will fly myself and my guy down at my own cost :)

Seriously you don't get to have people dressing as zoms and get married every second week :)

12-04-2013, 11:45am
I mean, I will fly myself and my guy down at my own cost :)

Seriously you don't get to have people dressing as zoms and get married every second week :)

Hell Yeah! I'd break my "No Weddings" rule for that!!

12-04-2013, 1:56pm
[Probably too late on this, but anyhoo...]

I like the idea of a zombie wedding for the symbolism - once you're married your life is basically over, but you still keep walking around. :D

On a more serious note I think your skills are well up to the challenge but the difficult part is going to be balancing the photography with your bridesmaidal duties. Unless you can coerce someone to be your assistant for the day I'd keep it real simple - just the D7000 + the 18-55mm zoom + external flash (if required) mounted on camera. Despite the zombieness the usual 'rules' of photography still apply - e.g. try to avoid harsh direct sunlight, etc.

If using flash try bouncing flash of the ceiling if it's neutral-coloured and not too high. I only ever shoot events in which I'm also 'participating' (:beer_mug:) so I set the camera to do the 'heavy lifting' (as McNally would say) which allows quick shooting and not having to worry about settings for each shot. With TTL and auto-ISO enabled typical settings of 1/60 and f/5 work well for me. (That's using an SB-800 on a D300, I'm not sure if your Sigma will work the same way). Adjusting the shutter-speed will vary the amount of ambient light you capture (but obviously a longer s/s may lead to blurring).

You mentioned some surprises so it might be good to co-ordinate with another photographer so that one of you captures what's happening and the other captures the guests reaction to it.

If you get a chance maybe shoot the detail images (dress/costume, etc) today and get them uploaded and 'out of the way' to save some time tomorrow.

Don't forget to charge batteries and clear memory cards (and pack spares if you have them).

Shoot lots (when/if you can).

Most importantly enjoy the day. (Don't let your photo 'duties' get in the way of sharing your sister's special day...)

And congrats on the impending photo opportunity...

A pregnant zombie at that!!!

Good luck.

12-04-2013, 3:27pm
typical settings of 1/60 and f/5 work well for meJust to add...you may need to stop down where more DoF is required. e.g. shooting a group shot along a table

12-04-2013, 3:45pm
You could get a lot of extras early in the morning around Surfers Paradise , Joel and I see them every morning :)

12-04-2013, 4:06pm
William, I think zombies and drunk morons are 2 different creatures :lol2:

12-04-2013, 7:57pm
...And don't forget a pre-nup!
(Actually, how would the vows go? Till demise us...???)

12-04-2013, 9:33pm
I mean, I will fly myself and my guy down at my own cost :)

Seriously you don't get to have people dressing as zoms and get married every second week :)

ARGH!! What a shame it wasn't mentioned earlier!! Incidentally, my sister does dress up every second week :lol: Zombies, pixies, medieval maidens... She's a special breed, my sister! But yes, it will certainly be a spectacle!!

Hell Yeah! I'd break my "No Weddings" rule for that!!

:lol: Who would have thought my crazy sister's wedding would cause so much of a stir?!

[Probably too late on this, but anyhoo...]

I like the idea of a zombie wedding for the symbolism - once you're married your life is basically over, but you still keep walking around. :D

HEY! ( :lol: )

[Probably too late on this, but anyhoo...]

On a more serious note I think your skills are well up to the challenge but the difficult part is going to be balancing the photography with your bridesmaidal duties. Unless you can coerce someone to be your assistant for the day I'd keep it real simple - just the D7000 + the 18-55mm zoom + external flash (if required) mounted on camera. Despite the zombieness the usual 'rules' of photography still apply - e.g. try to avoid harsh direct sunlight, etc.

If using flash try bouncing flash of the ceiling if it's neutral-coloured and not too high. I only ever shoot events in which I'm also 'participating' (:beer_mug:) so I set the camera to do the 'heavy lifting' (as McNally would say) which allows quick shooting and not having to worry about settings for each shot. With TTL and auto-ISO enabled typical settings of 1/60 and f/5 work well for me. (That's using an SB-800 on a D300, I'm not sure if your Sigma will work the same way). Adjusting the shutter-speed will vary the amount of ambient light you capture (but obviously a longer s/s may lead to blurring).

You mentioned some surprises so it might be good to co-ordinate with another photographer so that one of you captures what's happening and the other captures the guests reaction to it.

If you get a chance maybe shoot the detail images (dress/costume, etc) today and get them uploaded and 'out of the way' to save some time tomorrow.

Don't forget to charge batteries and clear memory cards (and pack spares if you have them).

Shoot lots (when/if you can).

Most importantly enjoy the day. (Don't let your photo 'duties' get in the way of sharing your sister's special day...)

And congrats on the impending photo opportunity...

Good luck.

Better than the 18-55mm (I really should upgrade my details!) I now have the beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful, can't live without it 24-70mm 2.8. I won't have to worry about harsh sunlight... it starts at 5:30pm, but I'm worried I'll have very little ambient light to work with. Certainly will plan to bounce the flash off the ceiling in the hall. I will certainly try to get the details prior to the wedding starting. I'll do the "getting ready" shots. Aunty Narelle and my cousin's partner will get the rest of the night (and they will do an AMAZING job, I have no doubt!) and I'll pop out the camera when the chance allows me. Today, I have tested all my gear, formatted 156gb worth of cards, charged 4 sets of flash batteries and charged up my camera battery (I really should get around to getting a spare. I've even charged up the D60... just in case of absolute disaster. I think it will be impossible not to enjoy the day - My sister has a wonderful sense of fun and it's infectious. As for the impending photo opportunity - Thank you!! We've had a rough trot getting to this point and it's still early days, but come late September, I'll be giving my Nanna her 8th Great-Grandchild all going well.

You could get a lot of extras early in the morning around Surfers Paradise , Joel and I see them every morning :)

:lol: We must have missed them last May when we were up there!

William, I think zombies and drunk morons are 2 different creatures :lol2:


...And don't forget a pre-nup!
(Actually, how would the vows go? Till demise us...???)

The vows are going to be very..... quirky!! That is one of the surprises!! I can't wait to see the conservative people in my family react to it!!

13-04-2013, 3:34pm
Stay away from katana wielding quiet types, rednecks with crossbows and sheriffs with PTSD?

that way the wedding should be OK.

14-04-2013, 12:05pm
Stay away from katana wielding quiet types, rednecks with crossbows and sheriffs with PTSD?

that way the wedding should be OK.

Ummm.... should I be worried that my husband is the quiet type and has two katanas stashed away in his section of the wardrobe...?

- - - Updated - - -

Okay, last night was the night!! I didn't get many photos, but I have a couple listed up here....
