View Full Version : Sony Alpha A99

09-04-2013, 9:49am
Morning all,

With Pentax still dragging it heals on what it's going to do this year, and with money burning a hole in my pocket; I'm starting to at least 'window shop' at what else is around.
From my reading at least; the Sony A99 looks like an interesting alternative.
Coming from Pentax, it seems to tick many boxes. Weather sealed, in-body SR, backwards compatibility with old Minolta glass (and the prices of new lenses seems to be on par with Pentax), supposedly good ergonomics (I have big hands).
One criticism that does seems to pop up in reviews is the behaviour of the EVF in continuous, fast shooting. Reports seem to say that instead of keeping the view 'open', it flashes up review images instead! That would seem the last thing I'd want if I'm trying to rattle of a stack of frames with a bike (or whatever) flashing past.
Anyone here have any experiences with this camera? Any comments etc?

09-04-2013, 11:12am
I don't have an A99, one day perhaps, but my A65 has the EVF. If your continuously shooting, as in holding the button down, you see what you'd expect in the normal way.

If you're shooting say press button, reframe, press button, style then the preview does appear in the evf for the pre-set time, but I've turned preview off. The preview button is very easy to reach on the A65 and its now second nature to press it when I've finished a "set"

09-04-2013, 12:17pm
Ahh - good to know!

- - - Updated - - -

One other question. Another criticism that seems to get raised the positioning of the AF points, in that are very clustered together in the centre. Now, I generally spot focus anyway; but anyone got any points on this?

25-08-2013, 9:01am
These are relatively old posts. After an absence I have just re-activated my membership.
Currently I shoot with an A99 and mainly use 2 lenses, the Sony 70-300G and the Zeiss 24-70.

I mainl use spot focus as well but focus peaking on the A99 make use of manual focus a lot more appealing....john