View Full Version : in camera crop fix in photoshop

08-04-2013, 5:24pm
Hey guys just wondering if you can fix the in camera aspect ratio crop in photoshop

In the camera play options its showing the data is there but when I import it into bridge its cropped

Your help in this is appreciated

08-04-2013, 6:37pm
Harper, this is said in my best "Cleveland"* accent:
"Hey, watchoo mean, man?"

*From "The Cleveland Show".

08-04-2013, 6:48pm
when i was taking the shots i shot in the aspect ratio of 16.9 but im not happy with the positioning of it. and looking at the photos from in the camera it shows all the data that would be from a 3.2 image but when i load them into photoshop they are cropped in the aspect ratio of 16.9.

so im just wondering if you can view the default settings from the image through photoshop

08-04-2013, 6:53pm
All right, well, without having to trawl through your earlier posts to see what camera/software you have, and whether you have taken these images in raw (though I guess you have from what you see in preview),
how do they look in your camera's editing software? You might have to save them from raw to full 3:2 aspect ratio and then crop 16:9 as preferred. I'd say, though, that what the camera did was based on where it
found the "centre" of the image.

09-04-2013, 7:06am
thanks AM

i havent installed the cameras software into my computer yet but i will have a look at it tonight

and these images were shot in raw

this is what i see on the cameras lcd display. so somehow the data is stored s somewhere
sorry for the poor quality camera photo

09-04-2013, 7:29am
I dare say that trying the manufacturer's software may have an option like that you're seeking.

Not sure, but they usually do.

One thing to note too tho, is that Photoshop itself is not really a proper raw converter(like a raw converter is!)
It uses ACR to convert the file in some way .. so have you opened the image up in ACR first to see what options it has?

Or are you generically referring to PS and it's sub programs?

09-04-2013, 8:04am
...I dare say that trying the manufacturer's software may have an option like that you're seeking.
...Not sure, but they usually do...

Because their 16:9/wide screen "selection" is just a convenient crop of the full sensor image. Somehow, it's considered "useful".

Lucky you shot in raw, Harper, because I suspect that had it been "jpeg only" then that's what you'd end up with. Yep, load up the camera's software - DPP, isn't it? - and give it a whirl.

09-04-2013, 12:21pm
I got caught with that too. Can't remember how I fixed it. I think I opened them all in ACR, selected them all and then reapplied a 3:2 crop over the whole image and synchronised the crop setting on all the files. I think I might have deleted the original xmp files first though. If I remember, I'll post it here. I won't be using the crop on the 5DIII again though. What a PITA.

09-04-2013, 12:40pm
I got caught with that too. Can't remember how I fixed it. I think I opened them all in ACR, selected them all and then reapplied a 3:2 crop over the whole image and synchronised the crop setting on all the files. I think I might have deleted the original xmp files first though. If I remember, I'll post it here. I won't be using the crop on the 5DIII again though. What a PITA.

thanks mate that would be great

and i will be installing the cameras software straight after work

09-04-2013, 12:47pm
Hope you manage to get the result you're chasing here. My suggestion for future is that you take all shots in standard format (on your camera) and save the cropping for post processing.

09-04-2013, 1:35pm
Okay, you'll have to open them in DPP (the Canon software). You'll notice they display with the crop superimposed on them. Click on the Trim tool for each one and click on Clear. When you've done them all, don't forget to save them. Now when you open them in Bridge, you'll see them in 3:2. I had mine set to 5:7 as that is predominantly what I sell. No major problems, except that I couldn't remove it in ACR. It just wouldn't do it. Pity DPP doesn't seem to let you you batch process the trim removal. If you find a way to do that, post it here. Might save someone else a hassle.

09-04-2013, 2:37pm
thanks heaps for that:D

09-04-2013, 3:45pm
Tried it and saved them all but photoshop still views the cropped version

09-04-2013, 4:35pm
Are you going straight into Photoshop, or are you viewing them in Bridge first?

- - - Updated - - -

A messy workaround for you then. Remove the crop as described in the first reply. You may want to do some other editing in DPP, or not, but when you're ready convert and save as a 16-bit TIFF image. You can edit TIFF images in ACR, just like a RAW file. When you open the TIFF in PS CS6, you'll find the crop gone. Messy, but I just tried it and it works. If all else fails, you at least have a solution.

09-04-2013, 5:49pm
Are you going straight into Photoshop, or are you viewing them in Bridge first?

- - - Updated - - -

A messy workaround for you then. Remove the crop as described in the first reply. You may want to do some other editing in DPP, or not, but when you're ready convert and save as a 16-bit TIFF image. You can edit TIFF images in ACR, just like a RAW file. When you open the TIFF in PS CS6, you'll find the crop gone. Messy, but I just tried it and it works. If all else fails, you at least have a solution.

Cheers mate I will give it a try

Mark L
09-04-2013, 7:33pm
Okay, you'll have to open them in DPP (the Canon software). You'll notice they display with the crop superimposed on them. Click on the Trim tool for each one and click on Clear. When you've done them all, don't forget to save them.

Had a quick play to see if there's any way to do this as a batch process and can't see one.
Am on a little holiday, so haven't checked for a solution here http://photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?p=13146400#post13146400
DPP does some things well, so the link may help in the future harper.

10-04-2013, 6:45am
Hope you manage to get the result you're chasing here. My suggestion for future is that you take all shots in standard format (on your camera) and save the cropping for post processing.

thanks daniel

i agree that i will never do that again

i did it a few weeks ago and it was fine. i set the ratio to 16.9 and shot away. the lcd showed the cropped version in live view, then i turned liveview off to take the shot and it was fine.

but this time i was shooting everything in liveview, and thats where the problem was. so when you shoot in liveview the crop gets added to the end result but when you use the viewfinder the crop isnt added