View Full Version : who has integrity in Australian public life?

08-04-2013, 12:46pm
I am trying to work up a list of Australians who could genuinely have the word integrity applied to them.

My first thought was bob brown. Irrespective of your political persuasion, you have to admit he has certainly stuck closely to his values.

The wikipedia definition put it as consistency of actions, values and principles.

Any thoughts?

08-04-2013, 1:10pm
My first thought was bob brown.

You're kidding.:rolleyes:

08-04-2013, 2:04pm
I have a great deal of respect for Bob Brown. A man of great wisdom and integrity. I just hope his retirement from public life doesnt mean he is ill.

08-04-2013, 2:07pm
Oh, brother!
Why bother?
Oh, big brother!

08-04-2013, 3:53pm
There is only one name that springs to mind in the political arena.

John Hatton.

08-04-2013, 6:19pm
Why Not?

John Hatton, theres a name I dont know.
Bob brown hasnt retired, hes working for Sea sheperd, which brings another name to mind. Paul Shepherd.

08-04-2013, 6:29pm
Why Not?

John Hatton, theres a name I dont know.
Bob brown hasnt retired, hes working for Sea sheperd, which brings another name to mind. Paul Shepherd.

Johndom. If you're asking me why not it is because I think it is being unconstructively judgemental, that's all.
We can sit and make funny comments about public figures betimes, but are we going to comprehensively give ourselves airs
over any and sundry for no apparent reason? That's how I see it, anyway.

As such, I will not add any more to the main theme of this thread.

08-04-2013, 6:34pm
I had a run in with Bob Brown over the telephone, where it started as this is Bob Brown..and ended with this Senator Brown and you will do what I tell you. I replied, sorry but this is not a dictatorship and your title of Senator does not give you the right to tell me or any other Australian what to do. Up till that point my opinion of him was a lot higher. Without going into details, what he wanted me to do was/is illegal.

My pick is Fiona Wood : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiona_Wood

08-04-2013, 6:47pm
Irene Gleeson
see http://www.irenegleesonfoundation.com/index.php
She's helped 1000's of children get a life

Tim Costello is another

08-04-2013, 7:17pm
Yes Tim Costello. I definitely concur.
Rick- argh I wish I could unhear that, but yes Fiona wood seems to suffering from a bout of integrity.
These are great suggestions.

08-04-2013, 7:22pm
You mean throughout History or current?

Ita Buttrose for current. She only lives a minute walk away from my work...great person.

For History...

Edmund Barton
Sir Robert Menzies
Sir William McMahon

I think those men were of great strength, intelligence, courage and great principle that aligned with their sense of honour and community.

08-04-2013, 7:51pm
Good question Avalanche, I am particularly interested in the ones who are breathing, but all suggestions are welcome.

08-04-2013, 8:56pm
My choice and someone who should be publicly held up much higher in our country is Steve Waugh. I'm not a huge cricket fan but I do not understand why a grub like Shane Warne passes wind (opens his mouth) and gets more coverage than Steve Waugh will ever get.

Mark L
08-04-2013, 9:08pm
The wikipedia definition put it as consistency of actions, values and principles.

In the pursuit of $$$$$$$
Rupert Murdoch.

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To be serious, retired High Court Judge Michael Kirby.

08-04-2013, 9:51pm
ahhh ...."integrity" . Its such a lonely word ! The nearest and dearest intangible wealth to Mongo's heart (yes, that even includes food and his stomach).

That thin gossamer of intangible ultimate truth. It cannot be seen or touched but is the hardest felt when present or when absent. Impossible to physically see or physically measure in any person yet it is one of the only real measure of every person.

Mongo worships at it altar as an unworthy disciple hoping to one day be blessed with sufficient morsels to make him a more worthy person/beast.
Sad to say, Mongo has only ever been able to number less than the digits on one paw in recent times as persons having real integrity worthy of respect and admiration.

08-04-2013, 10:02pm
My pick is Fiona Wood

I had not heard of her before but truly a worthy choice.

08-04-2013, 10:37pm
Tim Costello I also concur. Not knowing a lot about Steve Waugh, I must agree I do admire him in the way he has conducted himself in public life and kept his private life private except when he and his first wife chose to go public but limited it and did so in a respectful and dignified manor that showed a lot about his character. I don't care how good a person may be at their chosen career it doesn't make up for their disgraceful behavior in public or private life and to receive the accolades Shane Warne has doesn't say much about him, his peers and other supporters of him.

09-04-2013, 11:09am
he wikipedia definition put it as consistency of actions, values and principles.

What about Julia Gillard, She's consistently lied about everything .....

09-04-2013, 1:03pm
What about Julia Gillard, She's consistently lied about everything .....

John Howard? ( in " He of the Never ever ").

JM Tran
09-04-2013, 2:41pm
I vote a Toyota Corolla

always reliable and honest and good structural integrity:)

09-04-2013, 3:00pm
John Howard? ( in " He of the Never ever ").

He changed his mind about the GST, but went to an election on the topic; whereas the incumbent did not re; CT.

09-04-2013, 3:04pm
Moira Kelly would have to be on any list for both integrity & selflessness.


09-04-2013, 3:12pm
Ha great answers, yes consistency can work for "negative" traits as well as positive. Buuuut I dare say those numbers may be higher than the latter trait.
The corolla is rock solid, I just got given a 93 with 400000 on the clock and its still sweet as.

09-04-2013, 3:25pm
In the pursuit of $$$$$$$
Rupert Murdoch.

Doubt it. But his mum certainly if she hadn't disqualified herself.

09-04-2013, 3:51pm
Tim Costello gets my vote .... or at least my second vote. First vote goes to my wife - she's the most ethical, moral, reliable, honest and all round saint I know! Talk about a Yin and Yan marriage! :cool:

09-04-2013, 5:39pm
From a political perspective, no one I can think of. I've never had less trust in any of the politicians in my life. They'd sell their grannies into slavery for re-election.

Given the quality of Australian business leaders, it's sad to see the exact opposite is true for their political representation

10-04-2013, 4:34pm
All that I can say for Bob Brown is that given the chance he would love to send us to the caveman era

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