View Full Version : Hi from Evan

04-04-2013, 8:14pm
Well, I did sign up here 6 months ago, with the good intention of regularly posting and competing, but one way or another, work and personal items got in the road. Very hard to concentrate on taking photos when you end up working 6/7 days a week.

But things are returning to normal.....so the challenge is to get started again.

In one form or another, I have been using SLR's for 30 years, but plenty of big gaps in between, starting out with Canon AE-1/AE-1 Program.

Now with Canon 60D, Sigma 10-20, Sigma 17-70, Sigma 70-200, Sigma 2x TC, Canon 50 f1.8, Canon 18-135 (travel photography), Canon 320, and a Tamron 70-300. Plus an assortment of filters to match.

All going well, should start posting pics in the next week or two.

catch you all soon.

note - edited for clarification.

04-04-2013, 8:34pm
Do what you can, Evan. What a swag of gear, though!!! Have you still got (most/some/any) of it?

I'll take your word that it is "Very hatred" to concentrate...:D

04-04-2013, 8:46pm
Welcome back

04-04-2013, 8:48pm
Yes, have all that gear, plus still have the AE-1 and lenses and flash for it, along with my EOS 300.

the 18-135 is only for travel, simply to avoid traveling the world with a bag full of lenses, my wife hates changing lenses, and honestly, I'm on holidays to relax.

My main aim is towards landscape so most of the time it is the 10-20 and the 17-70 that is attached. I do some sports, so that is the 70-200, and honestly cannot recall when I last used the 70-300.

05-04-2013, 6:55am
Welcome. A great place to be on here. And I know the feeling of "life" getting in the way of hobbies. cheers Brian

05-04-2013, 7:40am
:gday: & Welcome Back

05-04-2013, 7:54am
Welcome Back Evan, look forward to seeing some of your photo's in the forums

Mary Anne
05-04-2013, 2:01pm
Hello Evan and Welcome back.
I like to take lots of gear with me when on holidays as that's the only time I get to take anything that isn't Insects :D