View Full Version : As if bird photography wasn't frustrating enough!

04-04-2013, 7:17pm
I love to find birds to suffer the ignominy of having me take their photos. I have plenty of ducks, drakes, pelicans, wagtails, noisy miners, etc. but unusual species are a rarity. My recent discoveries of a white-cheeked honeyeater and variegated fairy wren are flukes, I assure you. So, imagine my surprise when, while sitting in a McDonald's carpark (no questions please), I was surprised to see a blue-faced honeyeater picking at someone's discarded thick shake container! Oh, the horror!

It got me thinking (not much does these days); how do honeyeaters KNOW what is sweet? Clearly this creature know the thick chocolate syrup oozing from the container was sweet to taste, but HOW did it know that from 30 feet up, away from the noise of the car park in an adjacent tree? Enquiring minds want to know! Here's the photographic reasoning ... if I can work out how to attract them, beyond water and a perch, maybe I stand half a chance of actually photographing one!:o

04-04-2013, 8:04pm
So where was the camera Waz?

And looking at your list of birds, I have to ask where is 'the Partridge in a pear tree'. :lol2:

Mark L
04-04-2013, 9:28pm
Think you'll find Blue-faced Honeyeaters are miners and eat nearly anything.
They come and raid our compost heap regularly and one day I should get a photo of one. But they are noisy and harass the other birds around and I've decided I don't like them.
Sorry to be of no use in your endeavour Waz.;)

05-04-2013, 4:58pm
So where was the camera Waz?
Apart from the one in my iPhone, at home. I refuse to use an iPhone for photography except in the direst of circumstances. :p

And looking at your list of birds, I have to ask where is 'the Partridge in a pear tree'. :lol2:

Answered your own qwestchun, Kev! :D

- - - Updated - - -

Think you'll find Blue-faced Honeyeaters are miners and eat nearly anything.
They come and raid our compost heap regularly and one day I should get a photo of one. But they are noisy and harass the other birds around and I've decided I don't like them.
Sorry to be of no use in your endeavour Waz.;)

I probably won't like them either ... after I capture some excellent shots of the species. May roll around in ... oh ... 20 years or so! :lol: