View Full Version : New here and going to become a Pro

01-04-2013, 7:25am
Hi everyone. My name is Sally and I just joined. I was at a family Easter lunch yesterday and took a heap of photos with my phone. Last night I put some of them on facebook and family and friends tell me that I am a good photographer, so I have decided to go and buy a professional camera and start charging. To start with I would only be charging family and friends with cheap prices till I got used to using my new camera. I have a budget of about $500.00.

I need a good professional camera, that takes great photographs that I could sell. As I don't know how to use a camera very well, I would want one that is automatic, that does all the work for me.

Also one of my friends from school is getting married next month, and I have asked him if I get the camera soon, can I be their photographer. They said they already have a photographer, but I want to do it for them instead, as a wedding present. How do I convince them that they should use me?

thanks for reading and I hope I get some replies as I want to go and buy my camera this afternoon.

01-04-2013, 7:50am
Hi Sally, welcome to AP

There is a lot more to becoming a Pro than buying an ENTRY LEVEL DSLR. I think you need to do your research into professional photography, rather than researching a $500 camera. I suggest you consider getting your camera and then when you have 3-4 years experience, skills and knowledge, only then should you even consider becoming a professional photographer.

And DO NOT shoot your friends wedding, leave that to the REAL professional.

01-04-2013, 7:59am
Gotta be April the first......:lol: Didn't you Ricktas want to sell AP this time last year..... Hmmmm. No offers as yet? :D

01-04-2013, 8:10am
Gotta be April the first......:lol: Didn't you Ricktas want to sell AP this time last year..... Hmmmm. No offers as yet? :D

Excuse me?

and ricktas, thank you. But I do not want to wait. I want to start earning money from my photographs as soon as possible.

01-04-2013, 8:16am
LoL welcome to AP and that's a great introllduction

01-04-2013, 8:59am
Welcome to AP Sally, errrrr, about buying your camera - it's Easter Monday and the shops are shut :rolleyes:

01-04-2013, 9:20am
Hi Sally,

I admire your enthusiasm, particularly on this holiday Monday. I have a camera that does everything you would want. I found myself in a similar situation to yourself, I wanted to become professional and start making a few $ from something I enjoyed, and something everyone kept telling me I was good at.

We aren't allowed to buy/sell goods on the forum, but if you look on one of the most popular camera classifieds sites, I am selling my Nikon D4 for $550. I know it is $50 over your budget, but it truly is a professional camera that can do everything you are capable of asking from it and more.

Best of luck

01-04-2013, 9:25am
Forget it !! Get a real job , Seriously I'd keep on taking and learning to take good pictures on your phone, Post them on Facebook to get some real feedback from friends, Other than family of cause , Take heaps of shots till you annoy all your friends and after a couple of weeks you should be ready to go Pro, At least wait till you upgrade your Phone till you try a wedding , Good luck with your new business venture :rolleyes:

01-04-2013, 9:33am
Assuming its not an April 1st joke...

:gday: & Welcome
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

BUT! If this is to have us on...

I need a good professional camera, that takes great photographs that I could sell. As I don't know how to use a camera very well, I would want one that is automatic, that does all the work for me.


thanks for reading and I hope I get some replies as I want to go and buy my camera this afternoon.

Oi vay!! :lol: YOU take the good photo's not the camera!!!! It's all about the 'togs skill not the gear.

aussie girl
01-04-2013, 9:36am
Hi Sally. I admire your enthusiasm, and I am not sure if this is an April Fools prank or not. I have had my camera for about 4 years and still cannot figure out a lot of it. And just having the camera on AUTO will not guarantee perfect photos - Trust Me!!!!! As for you taking your friends wedding, honestly, if you were any sort of friend, you would not even suggest it. This is the most important day of their lives and they need to ensure that they have excellent wedding photos to cherish for years to come. Just think of how disappointed they will be if yours turn out blurry, over exposed, or too dark. Many years ago when we got married, on a very tight budget, the caterer offered the name of a photographer to shoot our wedding. Our photos came out "reasonable" but I often wonder how much better they would have been if I had taken the time to go and look at other photographers work. Our wedding was in the late afternoon in March before day light savings, so the photos had a bit of a yellow "sun setting" glow about them and by the time we got to the local council chambers gardens for photos it was starting to get a bit dim, so we were lucky to get photos as good as we did. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, and the last thing you want is to have your friends regretting their photos.
My ex son in law got married and my brother in law made a suggestion of taking a video of the wedding for them. It went to his head and he was sprouting on for days about what he was going to do and how he was thinking of filming it etc etc etc. On the day I lent him my tripod, thinking that he would set the camera up in a prime position and film the happy event. I wish I had kept my mouth shut and kept my tripod to myself and done exactly that, ie set my camera up and left it running. He started off with his video camera on the tripod and within no time he had taken it off the tripod and was moving around, crouching down, walking around trying to get zoomed in on stuff, what a total tosser. Never did see the end results of his effort. But I did get video of the wedding after standing as still as I could trying to handhold my video camera.
as Rick said - leave the wedding to the professional
and if this is a prank, then happy April Fool's :lol:

01-04-2013, 9:39am
Welcome to AP Sally, errrrr, about buying your camera - it's Easter Monday and the shops are shut :rolleyes:

Shops are open in out CBD today :p

01-04-2013, 9:41am
" But I do not want to wait. I want to start earning money from my photographs as soon as possible."
Join the queue.:D

01-04-2013, 9:51am
lol , love it.. 100% april fools......how do i know........... what school kid uses such accurate punctuation? i mean come on , there are no "m8" or "wht" or even a "lol" so well done sally and happy april fools day

p.s i have a great 5dmiii with 24-70L and canon speedlite 580ii yours for $501

aussie girl
01-04-2013, 9:54am
p.s i have a great 5dmiii with 24-70L and canon speedlite 580ii yours for $501

Now come on Paul - you KNOW that is over the budget, stop teasing her:lol:

01-04-2013, 10:06am
Welcome Sally, I like your enthusiasm.

I'd suggest you look at getting a Pentax, for the following reasons...

- they are probably the 3rd or 4th best of the major brands
- there are less lens and accessory options than other leading brands so you won't find yourself tempted to buy extra stuff
- and most importantly, it's almost impossible to sell used. So when you hit that 'slump' that all pros go through, you will still have your gear 6 or 12 months later when you get your 'mojo' back

To get up to speed on the wedding thing check out Derek Pye (http://www.derekpyephotography.com/) (The World's Greatest Living Wedding Photographer). If you can learn to 'Schindler' you'll pretty much have it made.

Good luck...

01-04-2013, 10:07am
Hi Super Sally and welcome to AP.

Don't be deterred by the seemingly negative comments above. With a name like yours, you can leap negativism in a single bound.

You appear to have lots of enthusiasm and determination, and the fact that you are prepared to do work on the cheap for family and friends shows a keen appreciation of the need to create a base of satisfied customers.

Now as for gear, you are on the right track. You will need a professional camera straight up. You won't need to start with any entry level stuff because you can leap right over the learning process.

I'm sure you will be thinking either Canon or Nikon, possibly Canon, because that brand will produce photos close to the level you have achieved with your mobile phone.

The 5D MkIII would be a good starting point for you, and I'd suggest something like a 24-70mm f2.8 as a basic start-up lens. I'm sure you will already know why you will need big apertures, and indeed what apertures actually are. And of course you will need an off-camera flash. Oh, and a very stable tripod and head will help as I'm sure you won't want to be delivering blurred formal images to the bride and groom.

Now that adds up to just a tad over your $500.00 budget but hey, that's only a minor obstacle. You're probably already at Hardly Normals crunching an April 1 deal.

Good luck, and remember to look before you leap.

01-04-2013, 10:22am
thank you to those people how gave me some good advice. I have been looking at the forums and there are some amazing photographers here. I cannot wait to get my camera and show you how good I am.

01-04-2013, 10:34am
LOL! ... if this isn't a joke, then you better be prepared for a bit of a shock!

..... I was at a family Easter lunch yesterday and took a heap of photos with my phone. Last night I put some of them on facebook and family and friends tell me that I am a good photographer, so I have decided to go and buy a professional camera and start charging.

..... I have a budget of about $500.00.

I need a good professional camera, that takes great photographs that I could sell. As I don't know how to use a camera very well, I would want one that is automatic, that does all the work for me.


...... But I do not want to wait. I want to start earning money from my photographs as soon as possible.

1. Family always say these things!
2. Family want professional level photos for nothing
3. Family (in general) have very little idea of what constitutes great photos
4. $500 will possibly get you one external flash to help you along the way
5. what about lenses? .. never mind the low cost of the camera.
6. what about memory cards .. cameras are pretty useless without them .. and you'll need more than a few.
7. as you may have read from the majority of the comments already made in this thread ..... good luck with your dream.
8. there's no denying that people have the right to aspire to greater things, and there's no doubt that you have that in your favour.
9. forget the notion of acquiring a professional camera and the multi thousand dollar investment required!
10. get a better phone!

01-04-2013, 10:48am
Gee Artie, your reply is not up to your usual standard, only ten lines, or eleven counting the intro.

C'mon mate, don't be mean spirited. :lol2:

- - - Updated - - -

thank you to those people how gave me some good advice. I have been looking at the forums and there are some amazing photographers here. I cannot wait to get my camera and show you how good I am.

'Onya Super Sal.

I'm sure I speak for all AP members when I say "Neither can I".:D

01-04-2013, 10:50am
Check two online dots after username.... Rick seems to be offline when supersally is online. Is Rick cross dressing.:tog:. :confused013 Hope it's a mini... No I don't. scary thought :action53:

01-04-2013, 11:37am
Why do I have this feeling that we're all part of a combined psychological test / April 1st hoax? Are we inadvertently offending a genuine but misguided young photographer .... or are we being played like fish on Rick's tackle?

My money's on the latter! :eek:

01-04-2013, 11:46am
Time to confess.

This member was created by me and the intro is completely FAKE.

April Fools Day it is

Now the fun part. I am going to give away an USB drive to...Geoffsta..for not falling for it, and...Aussiegirl...for her great reply.

01-04-2013, 4:27pm
The mods and I have been chatting and we have decided to give a USB drive to fillum as well for his contribution above.

01-04-2013, 5:53pm
My guess was right , Good one Rick :th3:

PS : Mainly cause "Super Sally" was a new member we all/I dont want to see with the , I'm gonna be a Pro in two weeks attitude :lol2:

I @ M
01-04-2013, 5:59pm
I was going to post a reply along the lines of --- Sally, if you need fast cash to buy pro gear, get down to a street corner in St Kilda and start acting like a pro ---- but Rick said it was in bad taste. :D

01-04-2013, 6:10pm
My guess was right , Good one Rick :th3:

PS : Mainly cause "Super Sally" was a new member we all/I dont want to see with the , I'm gonna be a Pro in two weeks attitude :lol2:

Unfortunately Geoff beat you to it..maybe a USB drive will be yours next time Bill

01-04-2013, 6:13pm
The mods and I have been chatting and we have decided to give a USB drive to fillum as well for his contribution above.

I hope Kym was consulted. :lol::lol::lol:

PS: And I feel a bit miffed that Pentax slagging is rewarded, and Canon bashing isn't, well it was a only a little bash, more of a prod really.

01-04-2013, 6:24pm
Thanks Rick, & mods.
It was a case of wife at work, and me bored to death. Spent a lot of time on the net.
Two things gave it away... One was Rick's response. A bit too calm I thought.
The second thing was when Rick was offline, Sally was on. Whether it was coincidence, and someone else was Sally, I wasn't sure.

But a fantastic thread. The responses from members was varied. Some even giving the "either side of the fence" replies.

Enjoyable day. What a fantastic community this forum is... :th3:

I @ M
01-04-2013, 6:26pm
PS: And I feel a bit miffed that Pentax slagging is rewarded, and Canon bashing isn't, well it was a only a little bash, more of a prod really.

My view was that amongst a sea of terrible untruths, Phil was one who spoke some truth. :rolleyes:

01-04-2013, 6:31pm
My view was that amongst a sea of terrible untruths, Phil was one who spoke some truth. :rolleyes:

Andrew, for a second there, and actually it was only a mini sec, I thought you may have been a Canon fanboy. :lol::lol:

01-04-2013, 6:35pm
.... And I feel a bit miffed that Pentax slagging is rewarded, and Canon bashing isn't, well it was a only a little bash, more of a prod really.

I agree, but I think your Canon bashing was a little too subtle, maybe get the sledgehammer out next time and make it really obvious :lol2:

I @ M
01-04-2013, 6:37pm
Andrew, for a second there, and actually it was only a mini sec, I thought you may have been a Canon fanboy. :lol::lol:

Oh perlease Kevin, we were discussing cameras, not misspelled, inconsistent items of North Korean artillery.

01-04-2013, 6:43pm
Oh perlease Kevin, we were discussing cameras, not misspelled, inconsistent items of North Korean artillery.

Don't get me started on that lunatic administration.

01-04-2013, 7:47pm
Lol - April Fools :lol:

Mark L
01-04-2013, 10:34pm
I've only read the first post, and I think that's super Sally.:)
Will now read the rest of this thread. I need some :):):)'s

- - - Updated - - -

Well, until Rick fessed up, I was going to congratulate Andrew.

Now, since I don't have one with a camera, what phone should I buy? I have a couple of Canon lens's.
And by coincidence, I'd love to see a new member register and introduce themselves as SuperSally. They might get more than they deserved.:confused013

02-04-2013, 11:12am
Check two online dots after username.... Rick seems to be offline when supersally is online. Is Rick cross dressing.:tog:. :confused013 Hope it's a mini... No I don't. scary thought :action53:

I certainly hope not, as every forum user knows, it is strictly prohibited to create multiple accounts. You can even have your member privileges revoked if you do!!!

02-04-2013, 4:04pm
I certainly hope not, as every forum user knows, it is strictly prohibited to create multiple accounts. You can even have your member privileges revoked if you do!!!

I do believe so. I have been questioned as I view the site from work. And as I talked a college into joining, and registered her a work. I got a severe talking to. Took a while to convince Rick not to ban me. Now there are 2 members from work.

02-04-2013, 4:14pm
I do believe so. I have been questioned as I view the site from work. And as I talked a college into joining, and registered her a work. I got a severe talking to. Took a while to convince Rick not to ban me. Now there are 2 members from work.

Yep. we always investigate when the site reports two people accessing it from the same computer. Occasionally it is genuine, work mates etc, but past experience has shown us that not everyone is honest, unfortunately.

You will notice that SuperSally's account now shows as 'guest' cause I have deleted it.

02-04-2013, 5:00pm
Oh no, Super Sally has been deleted? :eek: how sad, I think she coulfd stick around, as I am sure she would make a suitable AC with her obvious talent- after all, her family and facebook friends love her work :lol:

(some great replies guys, and a great deal of fun too!)

02-04-2013, 6:07pm
Well I am intrigued as to how Geoffsta's quote of "unistudent" came out as "inistudent"...

02-04-2013, 6:18pm
Having missed all this as it was happening it was great to read through it all tonight. It was like a great novel, I just couldt stop reading. Well done everyone involved.


02-04-2013, 8:31pm
Geoff stuffed up

I'm sure it was a keyboard glitch AM. :D Apologies to "unistudent1962" Happens when you get old..:(

Oh no, Super Sally has been deleted? :eek:

That's a bit of a shame. Would have loved to have Rick, Kym and the mods go back to their days of being new to photography. And use Super Sally's thoughts and style in giving CC. Randomly of course.
With comments like.....
"Took a similar image on the iPhone. Mum absolutely loved it. And my friends on facebook thought it tremendous. Keep up the good work. Doesn't need much to be better than mine"

Just a thought....:D

02-04-2013, 11:52pm
.... You will notice that SuperSally's account now shows as 'guest' cause I have deleted it.
So, we bid farewell to SuperSally, I guess we'll never learn about which $500 pro camera she bought, nor how her pro career turned out :lol2:

I hope you make it clear that it's an April Fools joke, just in case an unsuspecting new member comes across it :D

Thanks for the fun Rick, cheers Deb

03-04-2013, 2:51pm
The mods and I have been chatting and we have decided to give a USB drive to fillum as well for his contribution above.Thanks Rick and mods. If I'd known it was an April Fool's joke I wouldn't have offered such a serious reply ;).


06-04-2013, 10:24am
I certainly hope not, as every forum user knows, it is strictly prohibited to create multiple accounts. You can even have your member privileges revoked if you do!!!

As you would know, being one that has had several accounts in the past, and having them banned, eh?

06-04-2013, 10:35am
Bugga I just dug out my old Zenit slr and spent half an hour super gluing a 2.8mpa point and shoot to it , to turn it into a DSLR recon it would have been worth 500 bucks if I threw in a helios lens to go with it :lol2:

25-07-2013, 10:01pm
I think you are "pulling my leg". (old expression for having a lend of me)