View Full Version : When All Else Fails..

Mary Anne
28-03-2013, 6:00pm
Last Sunday afternoon was the second time we have has severe storms here in Brisbane in the past two months so now we are without the phone this time ..:(

One of the neighbours rang Telstra early Monday morning to report it for us and two days went by not knowing when and if it will be repaired before Easter.. Yesterday the neighbour rang that call centre again to be told it will be fixed by the 29th April, that was a bit of a shock she asked three times thinking she did not hear correctly and then they sent me a text to the mobile with that on it too :(

Waited till very late that afternoon and went down to the local Coles to buy some mobile broadband and they had the Elite WiFi one on sale at half price with 5GB of data to be used in a month even cheaper than what I could buy 3GB to recharge my older one. I noticed the box had been opened when I go home though everything looked good and new and the battery separate. I put it together and plugged in onto the laptop and activate it so I thought and I still could not connect it I tried for a hour then went and cooked the dinner.

Had another go later still could not connect even though it said connected I click on the Wireless Network Connection I see four others and there was that one again with a similar type of number to the one I got on the plastic card in the box it was still there so I typed the WPA number in again and again same as before with no luck, so I rang the call centre in the booklet $9.60 later the English speaking person with the Non English accent informs me I am connected and when I get off the mobile to try again..

I read the booklet that many times and went through everything again four hours later I decide to see if the Sim Card was in the right way so I open up the back take out the battery get the big magnifying glass so I can see better no its the right way then I see these numbers which was covered by the battery, had another look and realized that looked more like the number on the Wireless Network Connection wrote that one down and the WPA Key number also. Put it back together and plugged it back in the computer checked the number and sure enough it was that one so I type the new WPA number in and then on came the Internet after six hours of trying..

Lesson learnt When all else Fails look under the Battery :D

I think perhaps someone bought this and returned it to Coles when it did not work and that's probably why the box had been opened..
I am feeling sorry for the person who bought the other box with the wrong card numbers in it also.

I may go down to Coles and have a word with them after the long Weekend.

28-03-2013, 6:15pm
What a run of trouble, M A! The worst is the Telstra story, though the rest is quite sordid too. I hope you do take it up with your local C's, and I hope they tighten up a bit.
Am(thinking I had problems!).

Lance B
28-03-2013, 6:53pm
Doesn't all this computer stuff drive you nuts! Glad you got it sorted in the end, Mary Anne!

28-03-2013, 7:18pm
Bit of a clever girl Mary Anne!!! Internet troubles must be the "in thing" - I am back on again after months of nonsense and it was simple in the end too. I will have to catch up on a bit of thread reading. Happy Easter.

Mary Anne
28-03-2013, 8:56pm
Thanks Am Yes I will seeing someone at Coles thats for sure and not one of the ladies on the front counter.

Lance it certainly does, and Thanks for looking and replying..

Hello Kathy its great seeing you on here again so sorry to read you had computer problems also its a jolly nuisance.
You can always join the weekly challenge some of the old ones are still there and a Happy Easter to you and your wonderful family also.

28-03-2013, 10:25pm
Hey Mary Anne, what a nuisance all of that was :( , and well done on solving it. I'm not sure it's worth talking to Coles about problems caused by opened packaging - if I'm interpreting things correctly.

I work retail and customers drive me mad. Does anyone go to the supermarket and open the box of cornflakes to check them out? I don't think so.

But, it it does seem allowable to march into a Bunnings and disembowel - ironing board covers, reams of garbage bags, also, there's the 'I like that mop/broom but I don't like the handle, I'll just take the one I want off another' syndrome. And the piece de resistance is buying a product, using it once and then returning it - this practice can range from power tools, gardening tools to cleaning products - I kid you not - 'I want to wash my floor, and when I'm done doing that, I'll return the left over floor cleaning product'.

So, MA, you might want to check how many GBs of data you actually have left to use :D Here's wishing you a great Easter and that the weather and Telstra give you a break, cheers Deb :)

Mary Anne
28-03-2013, 11:21pm
Well Deb no one can check out this gear at Coles its behind the counter where they sell the Cancer sticks. :D

29-03-2013, 7:53pm
"Lowest prices are just the beginning..."
Say no more, as it says nothing already.

M A. How didger go, if you've been?

Mary Anne
29-03-2013, 8:37pm
No I have not been there yet Am I will wait till after the Holidays as they need to know some other poor customer may have the same problem as there has to be a box out there somewhere with my TEHS and WPA number on the card..

Mark L
29-03-2013, 8:41pm
"Down, down, prices are down."
Why? ;)