View Full Version : Peter Lik and his 1200mm lens

Bear Dale
28-03-2013, 10:18am
There seems to be a lot of hate on some photograhy forums for Lik, he's a very successful Australian photographer, yet so many seem to begrudge his success -


28-03-2013, 11:09am
I went to his gallery in Vegas and needed sunglasses for some of the saturation. Some really nice classic shots there but no better than many many other top photographers who will never get to sell prints at massively inflated prices dues to branding.

JM Tran
28-03-2013, 11:53am
Why dont I like his work? Because his great marketing/branding is way better than his work, which resembles any generic landscape photography these days from many people.

Good on him for making millions from people though through astute business:)

I @ M
28-03-2013, 1:05pm
Sounds very much like the good old "tall poppy" syndrome at work again.
The man has obviously found appeal amongst many people to sell his images and is doing quite nicely with that strategy so I suppose that many of his detractors will be other photographers that keep telling themselves ( and anyone else that will listen ) that his work is boring, banal and that they can do better themselves. There seems to be a sub culture of photographers on the net who radically over estimate their own worth and are busily telling everyone how good they are and constantly knocking established icons. Probably a lot of jealousy contributing to the "hate" that you refer to Jim, I have personally never seen anything negative written about the man but then again I don't spend a lot of time scouring the net for either other photographers work or the comments made by those who want to be negative against the likes of Lik.

28-03-2013, 2:03pm
Have I ever told you how Brilliant I am?

Or how much better I am then Peter Lik, or Ken Duncan or Rockwell??

That's why I work full time in a go nowhere job. It's just so those guys can make a good living without feeling bad about themselves.

Seriously though I've always admired Peter Lik. The guy's a household name. He can charge what he want's because he's done his research and worked it all out. (and yes, I really am better then Ken Rockwell)

Bear Dale
28-03-2013, 4:43pm
Yes I do think he's just another victim of the tall poppy syndrome.

I read somewhere that he's made around $230,000,000 (yep thats 230 million) from photography. I suppose that's enough to bring out the haters in there droves.

He's doing something that he loves, he's making himself incredible wealthy from it....good luck to him!

I @ M
28-03-2013, 4:44pm
He's doing something that he loves, he's making himself incredible wealthy from it....good luck to him!


28-03-2013, 5:01pm
If he's making millions, good on him.
I'm not personally very familiar with his work, and I haven't studied it enough to form a good opinion on it.
But I at least like the linked 1200mm pic of the sunrise.

28-03-2013, 5:49pm
I haven't seen his work before. I like it!

28-03-2013, 8:37pm
Hater's gonna hate

Potater's gonna potate

230 million will do that.

I have made $132.17 exactly on my images. First thing all my buddies did when I sold my first image was drag me down and tell me that I was crap!:lol: I would not have it any other way as it means I have to get better. Money is not the marker for how successful a photographer you are.

The measure is how you can capture that moment, and share it, to show those who may not have the chance to see. The best photographers are those who can do that.

This is going to sound pretty brown nosey but there are quite a few (LOTS) who do that right here on AP.

31-03-2013, 10:28am
While I'm not a huge fan of the type of work he produces .. I still wish I was more like him! :p

Just imagine all the Nikon gear I could acquire with his resources! .. (well OK, at least one long lens and a tripod collar to suit .. but it's a start :D ).

31-03-2013, 11:40am
Good on him he has done the homework rubbed shoulders with the right people and presto, I don,t know a lot about him but the images I have looked at I like, and if people wan,t to spend millions on his work lucky them for having that much cash to throw around.

31-03-2013, 5:16pm
Looks like his images are selling , I say well done on his marketing, He takes good shots and I really like the effect he got with the 1200mm lens , Great shot

aussie girl
31-03-2013, 5:32pm
He certainly has some very colourful photos. I wonder if he manipultes the colours in some of them?

31-03-2013, 7:46pm
Good on him.
Like Ken Duncan, Steve Parish, Neil Morgan or Peter Lik, they all have photos that you think, "i have done better" but the reason they are famous is they have a product and know how to sell it and most importantly dont undervalue themselves.
This can't understated and its really a compliment to them because it gives anyone with the same talent and sales nous a true goal. It certainly isnt a fluke they got there because like all businesses that become successful, it didnt happen by luck, it was hard work and risk.

Mark L
31-03-2013, 9:20pm
Decent linked photo Jim, though I'd prefer a little more space to the right.

.....It certainly isnt a fluke they got there because like all businesses that become successful, it didnt happen by luck, it was hard work and risk.

And there ^ is a story.
Marketing (business nous) can be more important than the photographic skills sometimes, though you still need a product to sell.

02-04-2013, 9:26am
I've never hear of him before,
had a look at the link in the OP and he has some very nice shots.
good luck to him for making money, wish I could make half of what he has :P and could shoot half as well ;)

was all positive about him, except for the "Hero" shots... then I just thought he was a tosser... but that is preconceived prejudices :lol: