View Full Version : Photographer from Perth

EB Alex
21-03-2013, 9:31am
Hi Everyone!

My name is Alex, Male and 24 years old from Perth W.A.

I am new here, but not new to photography. I have been into photography since about 16, and gained my diploma of photo imaging a little over a year ago. Since then it's been a busy year for me, getting a full time job, buying a house and will be getting married later in the year, so my photography has kind of taken a back seat in life through all of this.

I am a member of another photography forum, but it seems to be a bit dead unfortunately, I think due to poor moderation. But this place seems to be alive and kicking, so here I am!

Looking forward to some serious forum fun with you all :)


21-03-2013, 9:34am
Welcome to AP Alex, Enjoy the site and look forward to seeing some of your pics in the forums

21-03-2013, 1:15pm
:gday: & Welcome
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

21-03-2013, 1:28pm
Welcome Alex. We are alive and kicking, though wait till we have had a couple of coffees of a morning to make sure :D

See you on the forums

21-03-2013, 5:40pm
Hi. Welcome and enjoy the kicks and hi-jinx.

22-03-2013, 5:54am
G'day Alex. It is a great forum with plenty of interaction. Cheers Brian

EB Alex
24-03-2013, 11:10pm
Thanks guys :)

I'm just working through a backlog of photo's, I have a bad habit lately of shooting and leaving the cards all around my computer for weeks before I look at them. I'll post a few shots up about the place soon :tog: