View Full Version : Friends on facebook

18-03-2013, 10:47pm
Recently a good friend and his wife asked me to join up on a facebook page where only those who are their friends are invited.
I thought it sounded okay so joined in.
It has grown a little and not photos are beginning to flow.

But this is my where I feel like a fish out of water, as I said that we should do what happens on forum and that is tell the person who you think they could fix their photo.
I was told in a fashion that if they post a photo they have done it that way because that is what they wanted to show us.
So then I asked what should we say then. It was say you like about it. For crying out loud what a joke.

I then noticed that this person that had told me this went to a photo that I was going to say it needed to be this or that.
But this person had actually got on there and said exactlly what I ws going to say. IT feels like a case of double standards to me.
I am so close to just get out before the friendship is tarnished over this as this is how I feel it is going.

Please let me know what you think I should do or have I already said it.
Thanks to anyone that replies to this to.

18-03-2013, 10:59pm
I rarely critique on FB cause that is not what it is for. it is for LIKES, and there is this expectation that only good will be said about photos. I too have given good CC on photos on their and copped the wrath of others. I have just over 100 FB friends, and over 350 blocked people on FB.

So unless you want to 'like' it..keep your mouth shut. And come over to AP and do your critiquing as we are not so precious!

18-03-2013, 11:04pm
First of thanks for the reply.
But this is a page setup just to post out photo's.
And as they have said so the few that are new to it can learn.
And if you can't be truthful I really think it is more harmful than helpful. By pointing out the good parts of a shot.
But they, the ones who got it going can say this or that but other are sort of hindered as I have pointed out.
If mine are not good the tell me but don't hide behind this thing that I am new to this. I think this may be a point to.

18-03-2013, 11:07pm
Oh yeah..most of my run-ins have been on photography FB pages too. I have been on about a dozen, now I am on 2 (deleted myself from the rest), and refuse any more requests to join others.

18-03-2013, 11:18pm
Thanks for that reply Rictas.
I can see what you are saying and are words of been there and done that thing.
One of the main people posted an okay photo and it has been given all these high praises.
So I threw mine into the mix and it has been looked at but not one word.
So this make it a kiss you know what, and I can tell you I am not one of those.

19-03-2013, 6:22am
Exactly. In my experience, people go on FB to get Likes, and go to photography forums to get advice. It seems on photography forums it is ok to 'like' a photo, but on FB it is not OK to give advice (re photography), even in the photography groups. Having said that, the two groups on FB I am on, one was setup by an AP member specifically as a 52 week challenge type thing, and the admin of the page has some good rules laid down and people who are not happy about CC are warned that the group is for CC and then removed if they still fail to accept that. The other group is specific to a particular event (Aurora Australis) and has a mix of photographer, astronomers, meteorologists, etc and that one seems to run quite well.

Sometimes it comes down to the page admin not being willing or able to setup some ground-rules and adhere to them either. The two I have stayed on both have a good set of basic rules/guidelines about their pages and they expect those on the page to participate within those guidelines.

If you want to be on a FB photography group, perhaps, like forums etc, you need find the right one, the one that suits you. Happy hunting :D

19-03-2013, 6:50am
Ricktas I would love to know more about the 52 challenge group on Facebook if one can join in the fun..

19-03-2013, 7:05am
Ricktas I would love to know more about the 52 challenge group on Facebook if one can join in the fun..

It as been closed off for this year, they only took members in January, and limited the number of members so it was manageable. But you can join in the AP 52 week challenge at any time: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?181-Member-Challenges-52-2013

19-03-2013, 8:44am
Thanks you all it is so good to feel like I am with knowing what i do now and it will be my last week in this group now.
I can only see me getting on the outer for my comments and I don't want to wreck my friendship.
And more importantly the wife and her friends that have been friends since they were knee high to a grasshopper.
Thank you for putting my mind at ease with what has been said.

19-03-2013, 9:45am
Hi Riddick. This sounds like the best solution. You do not want to lose a friendship over something like this, but nor do you need the hypocracy of this particular site.

AP is really very unique in the respect of serious but sincere critique, and it is a great group of very caring people there to cry with you, laugh with you, help lift your mood, and most of all improve your photography with comments made thoughtfully.

This is the place for you and others needing to offer and receive constructive critique Riddick.


Bear Dale
19-03-2013, 10:16am
Whats Facebook :confused013

19-03-2013, 3:37pm
I rarely critique on FB cause that is not what it is for. it is for LIKES, and there is this expectation that only good will be said about photos. I too have given good CC on photos on their and copped the wrath of others. I have just over 100 FB friends, and over 350 blocked people on FB.

So unless you want to 'like' it..keep your mouth shut. And come over to AP and do your critiquing as we are not so precious!

LIKE :th3:

Fark FB.

19-03-2013, 3:52pm
Facebook is great if you use it with actual friends and family. It gets messy, full of spam and sometimes nasty once you started adding "friends" who are complete strangers.

Google+ seems to handle it better, although it usually feels like a ghost town. :P

19-03-2013, 5:08pm
I use FB reluctantly and have joined a few (non-photography) interest groups along the way. A few I have left soon after joining because of the politics, in-fighting and general intolerance of people to be even mildly disagreed with - especially group moderators!

So I would say, for FB in particular, be prepared to tread softly or don't bother joining/commenting at all if you feel it's a waste of time. Especially where friends and family are concerned. If nothing else, FB has taught me to bite my tongue! :D

Warren Ackary
19-03-2013, 7:29pm
I rarely critique on FB cause that is not what it is for. it is for LIKES, and there is this expectation that only good will be said about photos. I too have given good CC on photos on their and copped the wrath of others. I have just over 100 FB friends, and over 350 blocked people on FB.

So unless you want to 'like' it..keep your mouth shut. And come over to AP and do your critiquing as we are not so precious!


- - - Updated - - -

I rarely critique on FB cause that is not what it is for. it is for LIKES, and there is this expectation that only good will be said about photos. I too have given good CC on photos on their and copped the wrath of others. I have just over 100 FB friends, and over 350 blocked people on FB.

So unless you want to 'like' it..keep your mouth shut. And come over to AP and do your critiquing as we are not so precious!


Mark L
19-03-2013, 9:58pm
Whats Facebook :confused013

A place of sharing, caring and not enough bitten tongues.!!!
Just leave them be Riddick. As you know, there's more important things.

19-03-2013, 11:15pm
Yer I have worked out if I say nothing I get it and if I say something I get it so I have got it and it is history.
I rather be here than there.
And I really want to say to everyone thanks for your opinions to.