View Full Version : Do you prepair for photography outings or are you a get up and go kind of person?

18-03-2013, 10:37am
On the weekend I decided to try and go and take some pictures. I didn't have a place in mind so I just put my stuff in the car and drive. I ended up in a national park and had a walk around. In the end I only took a few pictures. But that got me thinking maybe I should do some preparation in the future.

When you go out do you have a specific subject/place in mind or are you more spontaneous like me? and how does it work out for you?

18-03-2013, 10:56am
I do a little bit of both. Recently I went on an outing, prepared all my gear, had location decided and timed for light etc, but ended up taking shots of a completely different subject. I think it is important to be prepared, but also ready for 'anything'. Sometimes it's nice to just see what's out there - you never know what you might capture. You may have just scouted yourself a location that you'll return to and get plenty of good photos from in the future.
Best of luck in all your outings.

18-03-2013, 11:19am
I usually always have a purpose, location and gear in mind. I don't just throw a camera in the car and go looking for something to shoot.
It works better for me that way because otherwise I would wander about aimlessly for hours and return with little or nothing.

18-03-2013, 11:37am
While the opportunistic approach of throwing you gear in the car and taking off in search of photos can have their rewards, these are few and far between. Capturing an image should be more about the preparation and and evolution of the steps you put into place to create something special. Careful planning, location scouting, weather forecasting, do you have the right equipment to capture what you wish to create. I find a good geographical knowledge of the area is paramount, do you know where the sun will rise and/or set? Which hills light up/shadow first/last, how does different natural elements change your image ie: shadows, cloud, crepuscular rays etc, access to the area you want to shoot and so forth.
Google Earth is a great little tool I use and The Photographer's Ephemeris. So all in all, it pays to prepare and have fun while you're doing it!

18-03-2013, 11:44am
IMO - Prepare.

At least have to have an idea of what you're planning to go out and get.

I guess i can see the logic in 'get up and go' approach, as you would probably come across some interesting subjects.

But yeah... im certainly one who comes from the 'Prepare' category.

18-03-2013, 11:55am
I would love to do either. I am completely frustrated at how time poor I am and I haven't been out or taken anything that I would consider good enough for posting here, for ever. I had a few goes at a sunset the other day at my local park (Ruffey Lake), but now I need to get the hang of post processing, of which I have nil knowledge, nor software for, at the moment.

Having said that, my preference, when I eventually get time, is to plan where I am going and the time of day to go, and then go.

19-03-2013, 5:46am
Me. I put everything in the car, have a location in mind, then drive. My wife works weekends, so I usually I have little to do. I have a plan 90% of the time. But as we know. Plans can come unstuck.
I might do 300 - 500km's on a weekend. I carry 3 tripods, 2 cameras, 4 lenses, speedlights and all my spare batteries. Sometimes I might do 500km's and get 2 photos. And other times 100km's and get 100's
Always take all your gear (If driving) Have a goal in mind. But always lookout for that something different along the way, or on the way back. If walking. Take an extra lens or two in you bag. Just in case.

19-03-2013, 10:06am
We do both, but particularly when we are around our own area we are always a little prepared- gear ready to go almost all the time, a tripod lives in our car, we scout possible locations regularly and search the net in spare time, have snacks and water that we keep in the car too, and have a suitcase of "stuff" (backdrops, lights, props etc) that we can just throw in the car if we need to do portraits.

But sometimes we just need to take photo's and with no idea where or what we are after- we just go.


19-03-2013, 10:34am
I'm the sort of person who worry about everything. I have to plan everything before I go...'in case' something goes wrong :D Location, sunset/sunrise, weather, tide time...I tend to worry and search everything. I love going out, but sometimes, I stay at home and wander around backyard and neighbors to do some macro photos, so I don't need to stress too much on my days off :D

19-03-2013, 10:43am
Mostly plan, I always know what the weather and tides are up to, What places work better on different tides and sun position, Most nights I'll know where I'll head the next morning , Have'nt got time to muck around , The sun waits for nobody, All equipment is preped the previous day/Afternoon :D

19-03-2013, 11:40am
Scouting locations for photographic intent - I do this everywhere I go.

What's that saying? "perfect planning prevents piss poor performance"

Mark L
19-03-2013, 9:34pm
Sorry a little of topic.

I would love to do either. I am completely frustrated at how time poor I am and I haven't been out or taken anything that I would consider good enough for posting here, for ever. I had a few goes at a sunset the other day at my local park (Ruffey Lake), but now I need to get the hang of post processing, of which I have nil knowledge, nor software for, at the moment.

Firstly, post a few photos, say your not sure it was worth posting but did so in order to learn from others here how it could be done better. Is part of the point of the CC forums.
Also, what camera do you have? You may have PP software that came with it. I still only use DPP that came with my Canon camera.