View Full Version : Are you a Lefty or Righty

15-03-2013, 12:00pm
I mean are you Right eye dominant or Left eye dominant , for me its Left eye.
Here is the test

Extend both hands forward of your body and place the hands together making a small triangle between your thumbs and the first knuckle.

With both eyes open, look through the triangle and center something such as a doorknob or the bullseye of a target in the triangle.

Close your left eye. If the object remains in view, you are right eye dominant. If your hands appear to move off the object and move to the left, then you are left eye dominant.

To validate the first test, look through the triangle and center the object again with both eyes open.

Close your right eye. If the object remains in view, you are left eye dominant. If your hands appear to move off the object and move to the right, then you are right eye dominant.

so for me I use my left eye to focus in the view finder with my right eye open , will this make a difference to our shots if we are not using the dominant eye:confused013

15-03-2013, 4:36pm
Well .... it makes me left eye dominant, but I'm left-handed, so that figures. Could I use my right eye for photography? Not if I can help it!!!

15-03-2013, 5:13pm
Can I add a poll to this? It could be interesting!

15-03-2013, 7:08pm
I am right eye dominant. Interesting topic though. As an ex army guy I shoot with my camera the way I did with a rifle, right eye focus, and when I see people put their left eye to the eyepiece it looks so very very odd. I am sure they are normal but please don't let them near me!!! :lol:

15-03-2013, 7:24pm
I'm right-eye dominant and use my right eye on the viewfinder. I find I need to close my left eye to to make sense through the viewfinder. I just tried using my left eye in the viewfinder and felt no obvious disadvantage (except my nose now hits the button that moves the focus point :)), but strangely (?) I could open my right eye and still frame a shot with my left eye in the viewfinder. (But I think this may be because most of what my right eye is seeing is the back of the camera and my hand, nothing in focus).

15-03-2013, 7:41pm
Is it possible to have the object focused with both eyes ( one at a time)

15-03-2013, 8:07pm
I'm left eye dominant, goofy footed but right handed.

15-03-2013, 8:12pm
I am right eye dominant. Interesting topic though. As an ex army guy I shoot with my camera the way I did with a rifle, right eye focus, and when I see people put their left eye to the eyepiece it looks so very very odd.

..... which is interesting as I am left-handed, but naturally use my right eye to shoot (the left would seem unnatural) and the left eye to use a camera.

aussie girl
15-03-2013, 9:20pm
Seems I am left eye dominant, but I am left handed as well. Only problem is, my left eye is the one that has more of a defect than the right (I wear glasses) so maybe that is why my photos are never quite in correct focus. They look good when I look through the view finder, but when I look at them and zoom in on them, they are blurry, and not in sharp focus at all.

Mary Anne
15-03-2013, 9:32pm
I always use my right eye, and I have never ever thought of using the left one. I am right handed.
So I played the game and I cannot shut the right eye to look through the left one. :laughing1:

15-03-2013, 10:02pm
Yep, Right eye dominant for me.

16-03-2013, 12:03am
By all means ad a poll Rick just for the record I write right handed but throw left any projectile weapon left eye sighting :)

16-03-2013, 7:48am
I kick,throw and see with my right side. Don't know why I have a left hand side at all.

16-03-2013, 8:03am
Yes this is an interesting topic. I appear to be right handed and right eyed. I think I will have to take a few shots using the left eye and see what difference it makes.

16-03-2013, 1:09pm
right handed, two left feet :lol2:, use left eye on viewfinder and yes, the smudges on the screen are a bother :D

16-03-2013, 2:37pm
I'm right for everything. Left almost useless except typing but I write software for living so that isn't a surprise to me. For a laugh I once tried a "left day". Didn't last very long. Ever tried using toilet paper with other hand? :D

16-03-2013, 4:26pm
Right hand/right eye for me; my wife is left hand/right eye.

18-03-2013, 8:35pm
I am left eyed and left eared (use left ear for phone) but write with the right hand. I am not strongly righthanded so can do many things left handed as well. I do have trouble telling left from right so don't ask me to navigate or you get to go on a scenic trip. Agree with Kaktus regarding the smudges on the screen.

21-03-2013, 5:46am
I am right hand, right eye but left foot dominant. Sometimes I don't know if I'm coming or going!!!!

Mark L
21-03-2013, 8:26pm
..... will this make a difference to our shots if we are not using the dominant eye:confused013

Right eye dominant. Write right handed.
Taking photos, I use my left eye with right eye shut. Habits, you do it for long enough and you do it forever.
Just did a test. What I see through the viewfinder looks no different (in alignment) using left or right eye. Though, I do need to shut the eye that is not looking through the viewfinder, otherwise I can't see what's in the viewfinder. :scrtch:

22-03-2013, 2:04pm
My left eye is very short sighted My right eye is failing with age. I wear glasses normally but have to take them off to take photos and until I get my pics on computer really not sure if they are sharp from looking at my camera screen But still enjoy doing it:D

06-07-2013, 12:02pm
That's an interesting concept which I've never considered.

I'm right handed & footed but at various times I did teach myself to be write right handed (accident to right hand) and kick left footed (playing Full Forward, none of these banana kick shenanigans - just kick the bloody thing straight :D)

I hadn't considered eyes wouldn't just line up with the dominant hand. Certainly in my case looking through a view finder, telescope or rifle sight feels odd.

From your tested I'm also right eye dominant, but just got my wife to try it and she's right handed but left eye dominant, maybe that's why she throws like a girl and can't read maps to save herself (unless its the store directory in Chadstone of course)

08-07-2013, 8:28am
Option for ~ambi/left eye?

09-07-2013, 10:48am
Right handed and Left eyed. Good for people to know, found this out years ago, using small arms, the military does testing to sort out your eye dominance.

09-07-2013, 1:15pm
I'm Right hand and eye, but I shoot pool with both eyes open, shoot camera with both eyes open (left open helps to keep an eye on the whole whilst compressing reality with the right) and shoot both Archery and rifles with both eyes too.

09-07-2013, 1:29pm
I pushed the right handed and left eye dominant button on the poll but after doing another check it seems I'm actually right handed and right eye dominant. Think something must be disabled (?) between brain/eye/viewfinder because I can see through the viewfinder much better with my left eye. I can use my right eye but need to shut the left eye to stop seeing double!

I seem to remember back when I first started taking photos that I did used to use my right eye but for some long forgotten-reason changed to the left! :confused013

11-07-2013, 1:24pm
I'm predominantly left handed and left eye dominant but do all fine motor skill tasks (eg writing) right handed.

15-07-2013, 7:59pm
my wife and I was talking about this a few weeks ago I am right handed but I use my left eye

Ms Monny
15-07-2013, 8:06pm
Well, there you go.....I am not part of the majority.....I too am right handed and use my left eye. During a few tests on some rangefinder cameras, I found it so hard to use my right eye but they say that in street photography it is nearly essential as you can still then see what is happening with the left eye and the right eye is in the viewfinder.