View Full Version : I am back

11-03-2013, 1:00pm
Well, after a lengthy absence I am returning. In the past I have not participated much on the forums for fear of criticism but I have realised I am not going to get any better at my photography if I am not getting it critiqued!
So, time to get started on posting some pictures from my trip to Europe last year. Stay tuned......

11-03-2013, 1:08pm
Hi Katt
Welcome back.
Honestly no-one gets "criticised" here, rather we all get offered critique, which really does a lot to improve our photography. You may agree or not with what is offered to you, but it will help you to step back and see your images in a new way.
It also works both ways, if you offer your thoughts/feelings/ opinions about other peoples photo's you learn too. A win/win situation, and I doubt you will find any regular on here that has not benefited from doing both these things.
I look forward to seeing some of your photo's soon- it is what we are here for:)


11-03-2013, 1:35pm
Welcome back, and ^^ what Di said

11-03-2013, 1:41pm
:gday: & Welcome Back

Mark L
11-03-2013, 8:58pm
Welcome back Katt.
Like Di's post.
Hope you stay around AP and ...........

12-03-2013, 1:58am
Welcome back. I myself was only briefly on here before my trip to Africa which I have just returned from. Before leaving I was able to make use of the critique section with a few of my photos, and I learnt a lot from it.
Good luck getting back into it!

12-03-2013, 7:17am
Welcome Back Katt, look forward to seeing some of your pics

Bear Dale
12-03-2013, 5:09pm
Welcome back Katt