View Full Version : hi again, been a LONG time

09-03-2013, 9:15am
hey folks.

just getting back into this photography thing.

feb 21 was an awsome day in my life, where my gorgeous baby girl was born. ive never really taken to portrait photography, was more into landscapes and nature photography.
well, here is to learning a new art, the art of patience with a moving target. new techniques, new timing, new lighting, new everything.

well, im here to look into what i can do to make them that much more special.

i own a canon eos 550d. i bought it to take photos in NZ on a family holiday a couple of years ago, and well, it served well.

i did the cheapo thing and bought a twin lens kit, to get me started.
im hoping to find a good, decent, but still reasonably cheap lens to use for the portrait stuff im working on now.

well, look forward to posting up some pics as i feel they are up to standard.

cheers folks.


Bear Dale
09-03-2013, 9:29am
Welcome back!

09-03-2013, 10:03am
Welcome back and congrats on the family addition

09-03-2013, 11:03am
Welcome Back

09-03-2013, 11:19am
i have to get into the editing of photos again, ive never really done a lot with it. i have photoshop and elements to play with.

when i get a pic of bub that im happy with, i might upload it, and get some advice on the editing of it.

cheers again.

09-03-2013, 2:35pm
:gday: & Welcome Back

Up to standard is irrelevant, post away, get constructive feedback and learn :D

10-03-2013, 5:13am
so true. ill get onto it :)