View Full Version : Dont get mad......

05-03-2013, 5:33pm
Ok......i have been wanting to buy some new lenses for my Canon 550D but in the back of my mind i keep thinking that evenutally my lenses wont fit a new model'd camera
(so i been told) and that just renders them useless.
I dont have thaaaaat much money to throw around so i want really invest my money correctly the first time.

Should i maybe try a nikon camera see how they feel/work etc and maybe switch due to every lens being able to fit nearly every camera?

Did i hear wrong?

Any help or advice would be much appreicated because i would like to buy some new lenses and kick my photography up a gear.

- - - Updated - - -

Btw the dont get mad thing was to prevent the Canon vs. Nikon argument

05-03-2013, 6:18pm
OK, as far as I understand, you want some lenses that will carry over to a possible FF camera.
I don't think either Can or Nik will suddenly change lens mounts from their current EF/EF-s range and (NIK equivalents) to something outlandishly incompatible.

Yes, you either "heard" wrong or understood it wrong.

Just get lenses that will suit a FF camera. They will also suit a crop-sensor camera, such as yours. In Canon brand lenses, go for the EF specification. That will allow you to use them in
a future FF camera as well as your present camera. For Sigma lenses, make sure you go for the ones specified "DG" and not "DC". Mind, all this is just so they will be FF compatible.

Now, I hope I didn't understand you wrongly.

Am. (Or should that be Um?)

05-03-2013, 6:18pm
Dont worry

05-03-2013, 6:19pm
Dont worry

Now you tell me:rolleyes:!!!

05-03-2013, 6:45pm
I havent been thinking right lately, so many friends and people talking about upgrading and getting new lenses gets into my head.
In a way i want a new camera because i havent really taken any photos i truely love or that have taken my breathe away so to speak, and i think that
if i buy a newer camera all of a sudden my shots will become amazing aswell.

I think i will maybe invest in a new lens and keep on going, i seen some photos shot with the 550d and they are amazing, i just need to keep practicing.

Thanks ammerat

05-03-2013, 7:00pm
OK. Put all that talk behind you - from friends, etc. The camera you have is NO SLOUCH! Cripes! Give it to me if you don't like it, with emphasis on "GIVE". :D

NO, what you think with a new camera will NOT happen.

This is the place you ought to be - AP. Talk, ask, post up pics. You will look back on this thread and giggle, one day. - Soon!

OK, you've got the twin lens kit. So have many others here on AP. How many laments do you hear from them?:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Yep! Thought so. Well, back to basics, which is essentially - take pictures with what you've got.
Heck! I started with an Agfa Box camera, which is similar to the Brownie Box that someone posted a thread about just yesterday.

Compared to that, you've got a Galaxy Class Starship!

(PS: Don't worry, I won't get mad. I'm just quite starkers!:eek:)

05-03-2013, 7:24pm
Lol your hilarious. Yeah i will do as said, no not giving the camera away :lol:
I guess having a truely old camera i would recognize the difference with the camera i got now. Still stuck on the nikon or canon thing lol :confused013 but ill save that for another day.

Mark L
05-03-2013, 8:02pm
It all takes time, this thing called photography. We might know the image we want to capture, then have to learn how to do it.
I've got a drill, circular saw and a hammer, tomorrow I'll knock up that new shed we need. Guess I'd better learn how to build a shed (or how to use that saw safely :eek:)

In Canon brand lenses, go for the EF specification. That will allow you to use them in
a future FF camera as well as your present camera. For Sigma lenses, make sure you go for the ones specified "DG" and not "DC". Mind, all this is just so they will be FF compatible.

EF, not EF-S if your after Canon lens. Though I wouldn't worry to much, if it's a good lens you buy, it can usually be sold again for a reasonable price. And in the mean time you're using it.
The road to good photos isn't equipment based. Take you time and practice, practice and practice. Try different settings, try different things. Delete is easy and cheap with digital.

- - - Updated - - -

. Still stuck on the nikon or canon thing lol :confused013
They both make good cameras that help us take not so good photos. :)

06-03-2013, 7:18pm
Thanks to everyone who gave me their advice.
I actually been so hung up on getting another camera and possibly swapping over to nikon and getting a similar camera to the 550D i acutally havent taken any pictures :(

06-03-2013, 10:40pm
Thanks to everyone who gave me their advice.
I actually been so hung up on getting another camera and possibly swapping over to nikon and getting a similar camera to the 550D i acutally havent taken any pictures :(

the first step to realising what gear you actually NEED!
(as opposed to lust for!) ;)