View Full Version : If not a camera club or course, what else is there?

03-03-2013, 3:36pm
Hi Guys,

I've been looking into joining a camera/photography club but due to the times and days of the week it would be impossible.
Is there anything else out there without being a formal course?
As a female I find it a bit intimidating going out at night or anywhere alone really so I thought a group situation would be better.

Any ideas would be great.

03-03-2013, 3:45pm
:oHave you expounded elsewhere on why you want to join a camera club or do a course?
Well, meanwhile there's this forum. Have you been using it to your advantage? I cannot see many photos up for CC.
What about meet-ups with other members?

Actually, I'll stand somewhat corrected: I forgot to mention that I did learn a lot from (good) photography books in local libraries.

03-03-2013, 3:47pm
This site! You have posted lots of questions but we have not seen one single photo put up for critique. That is what this site is here for, to help you learn. You get out what you put in, and that is the same whether you go to a camera club, do a course of use this site. You need to be the one being pro-active about your photography.

Course wise, check your local TAFE

But you will learn a LOT if you use this site for what it is intended to be.

03-03-2013, 4:01pm
Locally you may find a U3A Photography Group. These are held during the day & are not as formal as a Camera Club

03-03-2013, 4:47pm
What I mean is being with people who of course also have an interest in photography and going on walks/outings to take photos.
Recently I went out on my own with my tripod to experiment with light at night, I was alone standing on top of a bridge near my home. I did not feel comfortable at all and found myself constantly looking over my shoulder! Nothing happened but it's not an experience I don't want to relive.
My friends have no interest in photography whatsoever so it's just me.
I have learned a lot from this forum, books and the Internet. I try to put things to practice but hate being out and about at the beach at sunset or wherever on my own.
Thats why i thought that perhaps a camera club would suit me.

03-03-2013, 4:53pm
Andrea, have a look at the state-based info: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?166-AP-State-Based-Information
and AP Memebers' Meets: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?42-AP-Member-Meets


03-03-2013, 5:14pm
Hope we get to see some of those night shots soon then.

As Am has posted, why not try and get an AP member meet started for your area?

Mark L
03-03-2013, 9:35pm
Recently I went out on my own with my tripod to experiment with light at night, I was alone standing on top of a bridge near my home. I did not feel comfortable at all and found myself constantly looking over my shoulder! Nothing happened but it's not an experience I don't want to relive.

Whilst I understand, don't look or feel like a victim. Hold your head up, walk with purpose. Make who you're worried about look for someone else to harass. Be confident!
Can you own a dog that loves you and will protect you? It will love watching you take photos
Guess your other concern is finding like minded photography people. Photo clubs can be OK, just depends how they're run and if you like the people. Looks like Vic. APers need some more meets organised. Maybe you're the one to start the ball rolling.
Or, move to Mudgee.:) I have no one that wants to come take photos with me.

04-03-2013, 6:43am
Can you get a friend or relative to spare a couple of hours? Doesn't matter that they are not interested in photography, they may enjoy some time-out, and company though.

04-03-2013, 3:28pm
Thanks guys,

My night shots are not to be seen! I was experimenting with my new tripod.

I might put something up tonight. My main subjects are my kids, natural shots that are special to me. Not necessarily a piece of photographic excellence!!

04-03-2013, 3:32pm
What I mean is being with people who of course also have an interest in photography and going on walks/outings to take photos.
Recently I went out on my own with my tripod to experiment with light at night, I was alone standing on top of a bridge near my home. I did not feel comfortable at all and found myself constantly looking over my shoulder! Nothing happened but it's not an experience I don't want to relive.
My friends have no interest in photography whatsoever so it's just me.
I have learned a lot from this forum, books and the Internet. I try to put things to practice but hate being out and about at the beach at sunset or wherever on my own.
Thats why i thought that perhaps a camera club would suit me.

I know. I was out taking photos the other day. I stopped at a small roadside cemetary and some guy honked at me. I was about 2m from the road. It made me feel uncomfortable.

04-03-2013, 3:47pm
Also check out meetup.com - you may find a local group that heads out once a month/week or so. Could be worth a shot.

Books and tutorials are good, but posting photos for critique can be a good way to go (though you also have to be a little critical of the criticism! I'm a little concerned other posters may point out that my text hasn't followed the rule of thirds :P)

Have a look at the galleries and check out what other people are saying about images as well.

04-03-2013, 3:48pm
Thanks guys,

My night shots are not to be seen! I was experimenting with my new tripod.

I might put something up tonight. My main subjects are my kids, natural shots that are special to me. Not necessarily a piece of photographic excellence!!

Your shots dont have to be a piece of Photographic excellence , We maybe able to help you improve on what your already doing :)

Re : The paranoria , I'm out every morning at 4.00am , I drive past heaps , And I mean a lot of single Ladies Jogging and walking by themselves all along the Gold Coast beaches and pathways , I've never heard of any trouble at all in the news from harrassment , Must be the area :confused013

04-03-2013, 4:10pm
Recently I went out on my own with my tripod to experiment with light at night, I was alone standing on top of a bridge near my home. I did not feel comfortable at all and found myself constantly looking over my shoulder! Nothing happened but it's not an experience I don't want to relive.

If you ever happen to find yourself in Brisbane, I will happily stand guard for you.

Remember though: You've got a camera, so you're instantly a Terrorist and someone to be feared. Looking over your shoulder constantly just makes you look shifty :D

It's a good practice to look confident behind the camera. If you're flustered, your subjects do take note of this (even if it's subconciously) and it will reflect in the images you capture. (mostly useful for Formal and Posed type photos. Macro's of frogs, not so much. The frog doesn't care how composed you are. It's still going to jump straight at you when you least expect it!)

04-03-2013, 4:45pm
organise a time and place on the meetup page and you'll be struggling for space to put up your tripod ;)