View Full Version : advice on Old Pentax lenses that I acquired

02-03-2013, 1:51pm
Bought these today, cheap, on the off-chance an adapter exists to mount them on my canon 1100D (seem to have read somewhere that they exist), or sell them for some canon gear. Does such an adapter exist? and are these good lenses worth using? They look to be dust, and scratch free (dusty on the outside). The 2 primes are sizes that I would love to own, but cant afford, so it would be awesome to use them. A pentax k-1000 with a moldy view-finder came with it, and an after market flash.

SMC Pentax-A 1:2 50mm, Sigma mini-wide 1:2.8 28mm with macro, and a zoom made by kiron 80-200mm with macro.


02-03-2013, 1:55pm
Try this http://www.cameraquest.com/adaptnew.htm
or on eBay :)

02-03-2013, 1:58pm
Try this http://www.cameraquest.com/adaptnew.htm
or on eBay :)

will this do the job Kym?


or this one with a chip


all 3 lenses fit the k-1000

02-03-2013, 2:17pm
will this do the job Kym?

Most likely. It reads right and for <$10 there is no harm in trying.
Remember I'm NOT a canon shooter

02-03-2013, 2:19pm
Most likely. It reads right and for <$10 there is no harm in trying.
Remember I'm NOT a canon shooter

yep, its not alot of money to try it out :cool:

02-03-2013, 3:42pm
Kiron were known for making good lenses. In fact Mongo recently posted a thread about one.


I've never come across a Sigma Mini, so I can't commment, but The Pentax A50 F:2's although a cheap lens, were sharp in their time.
The A means that it will pass aperture information to the body and work with current Pentax bodies. MF only of course.

The thing to remember when looking for adaptors is to find one that does infinity focus. It seriously limits you if you cant!
If I remember correctly, the ones that do, have a bit of glass in them and this will reduce the quality of any images taken with them.

02-03-2013, 4:01pm
The Pentax 50mm/f2 was the standard 'kit' lens of the day, not brilliant, but well regarded.

The Sigma 28mm/f2.8 was also fairly well regarded and apparently works pretty well as a macro, reverse mounted.

I'd do some research on the Kiron because there were some Kiron lens of that era that are highly sought after.

02-03-2013, 4:36pm
Glad you mentioned the Kiron, I did a little googling, and people do rate it.

02-03-2013, 4:52pm
The thing to remember when looking for adaptors is to find one that does infinity focus. It seriously limits you if you cant!
If I remember correctly, the ones that do, have a bit of glass in them and this will reduce the quality of any images taken with them.

I think that applies to Pentax K -> Nikon; not Canon.
The issue is registration distance which is problematic on Nikon for some reason; i.e. mirror clearance I think.
Google it :p

02-03-2013, 6:49pm
I think that applies to Pentax K -> Nikon; not Canon.
The issue is registration distance which is problematic on Nikon for some reason; i.e. mirror clearance I think.
Google it :p

I had previously read about this a few years ago. be buggered if I can remember the distances though

I don't shoot either Nikon or canon so its not something I needed to remember.

03-03-2013, 10:36am
Register distances in order of longest to shortest is Nikon > Pentax > Canon(EF).

Nikon and Pentax are really close, but Pentax mount lenses will not actually focus at infinity on a Nikon body(without relay optics) .. but they get quite close.

If this Pentax K-1000 had a moldy viewfinder, just be weary that mold can move from item to item, so that if the lenses were mounted on this moldy camera, some mold spores could have landed on any of the lenses too .. so be a bit weary of just mounting them to your camera without due care!

Apparently one method of neutralising any mold spores is to place it in a sunny spot for an extended period of time, making sure that the glass surfaces and the inner barrel are getting a good dose of UV through them.
This isn't guaranteed to work, but it may .. just check them carefully, and to be safe keep them stored separately from your other newer gear until you know for sure.