View Full Version : A New Thread Idea??

01-03-2013, 8:43pm
I know that people are often having ideas to keep the place fresh, and I just had one which I thought I'd float. Doesn't matter if it sinks ...... ;)

Quite often someone posts a photo, and I think to myself "I've got one of that place/thing ... love to share it too!", but then I discovered that that's regarded as poor form, and imposing on someone else's thread.

So .... why not have a thread or some sort of mechanism that allows us all to share photos of the same place/thing? For example, I just saw a picture of Debrovnik, and my first reaction was ... I've been there, I could show one of mine! But then I realised ......

Dunno whether it's a good idea, but most people I know seem to like sharing their photos of the same place.

01-03-2013, 8:49pm
all you have to do is post asking the person who started the thread if you can add a photo.

01-03-2013, 8:53pm
all you have to do is post asking the person who started the thread if you can add a photo.

Yeah .. I suppose. It's a bit messy though, having to post and wait - so I doubt many would bother. It's more spontaneous to just be able to click on one and upload it. I've often thought I'd like to compare experiences/photographs.
Just a thought though, no big deal.

01-03-2013, 9:00pm
The site software needs someone to start a thread and then others to add photos, there is no easy way to just have the site create a thread like you want, it has to be done by someone.

01-03-2013, 9:19pm
The site software needs someone to start a thread and then others to add photos, there is no easy way to just have the site create a thread like you want, it has to be done by someone.

What if there was some indicator that showed that the poster was happy for other photos to be posted in his/her thread? I'm just thinking on my feet (chair actually) here. Maybe there's some way someone like the Dubrovnik poster could indicate that they be up for that? Dunno .... I just figure that we all take thousands of photos, and not all of them are competition material - yet often it's interesting to compare places we've been, things we've done, possessions we have, incidents in our lives. We see a photo on here and think - "yeah .... just like this one" or "here's what it looked like before the fires got it" - it's just another idea to throw in the air, and maybe one day it'll take root somewhere. I don't know the system well enough to know really. I do know you must spend an extraordinary amount of time in front of the computer!! :eek:

01-03-2013, 9:25pm
All they would have to do is say that others can add photos of the same location, in their post, when they create the thread. The software doesn't allow for stuff like that as an automatic thing.

It really is just up to the members, if you want to start doing it, go right ahead.

01-03-2013, 11:02pm
A couple other forums I'm on someone will start a general thread just for this purpose - 'show us your cars" or "Love those trees" etc

I reckon if you started a not-for-critique thread along those lines (eg, "Post your favourite Debrovnik pics here") you'll get a good response ( unless of course nobody else has been there:D)
it also then doesn't matter then if your shot is not perfect - nobody has to cc it.

02-03-2013, 5:47am
(eg, "Post your favourite Debrovnik pics here")
The only problem with that idea, threads will eventually be lost amoungst the millions of locations. :confused013 One could do a search. But how many of us could be bothered.

all you have to do is post asking the person who started the thread if you can add a photo.
As Bob said here, and I tend to agree. That most of us would fear that it would seem competitive to the thread starter. As in: "here is a better image of the same location"

I did mention a fair while ago about a category like "Places visited" But again after thinking about it. It would suffer the same problem as Matt's idea.

So in conclusion. I think it may go into the "Too Hard Basket" :(

02-03-2013, 6:05am
What about a sub forum called, eg Locations, in with Land & Seascapes? You only post in that sub-forum if you are OK with people adding their images to the started thread.

02-03-2013, 6:17am
We already have location based forums : http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?166-AP-State-Based-Information

You could use that, though, they would not be for critique as such, but at least it would help others visiting certain states/places with ideas and photos of places to go and things to see.

02-03-2013, 8:58am
I know that people are often having ideas to keep the place fresh, and I just had one which I thought I'd float. Doesn't matter if it sinks ...... ;)

Quite often someone posts a photo, and I think to myself "I've got one of that place/thing ... love to share it too!", but then I discovered that that's regarded as poor form, and imposing on someone else's thread.

So .... why not have a thread or some sort of mechanism that allows us all to share photos of the same place/thing? For example, I just saw a picture of Debrovnik, and my first reaction was ... I've been there, I could show one of mine! But then I realised ......

Dunno whether it's a good idea, but most people I know seem to like sharing their photos of the same place.

Bob, I recently had a similar thought, and raised it with site admin Rick. In hindsight, I was under the impression that CC threads were very strict, and minimum latitude allowed for reply. Rick gave me a good answer, but I still think the idea has merit in some form, or another :cool:

Here's my thoughts at the time PM'd:

Hi there. I am a new user to AP, certainly not new to forums though. My query concerns CC threads, and the latitude for non critical reply. I appreciate that members want/need good CC, and very minimal if any general/conversational reply. I wonder if a more conversational area within CC could be set-up? For example member BB asks for CC on his pink wren photo, and member DD replies "I can never get close enough to get a shots like that" how did you get so close? Or, something like.......I shot a pic of that species last week, and here's my photo (inserting it into the thread, and a little story to go with it).

I guess what I am saying, is that it could be good to give members the option of asking for CC, in an area with less strict rules of reply. CC threads that stimulate conversation, and are less formal. This may also get more people involved in the CC area, with less formality they may feel more confident to contribute.

Feel free, pls do copy this to your mod/admin team. I am very much enjoying AP, and know that it does an excellent job at developing/fostering photography enthusiasts of all levels.

02-03-2013, 9:13am
I still think the idea has merit in some form, or another

Yeah ... it reflects my general criticism of camera clubs in general, both on-line and "real world". Camera clubs are pretty much all focused on competing with each other rather than simply sharing photos. Now there are lots more ways of sharing photos here than in the "real world" clubs, but sometimes I think people just want to share more than just competitive photos. The huge bulk of our photos are not competition candidates. That leaves most of our photography collecting dust (electrons?) on our hard drives. One of the odd truths I have to tell people enquiring about joining our real world club is that one thing you'll seldom see at a camera club is a camera!!! How odd is that?? Club members are too concerned about winning competitions, and so everything else gets pushed aside.

So yeah ..... any way of broadening the scope of member interaction is a good thing in my book, and seeing more of that 99% of photos would be a positive step in my view.

old dog
02-03-2013, 9:47am
good idea Bob. I`ve tried this a couple of times and it got a fairly good response. It`s really interesting to see other people`s takes on the same subject.