View Full Version : CowboyStudio NPT-04 Wireless Flash Triggers (A quick and nasty review)

23-02-2013, 1:39pm
With setting up the worlds dodgiest home studio (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?117110-Humble-start-to-a-home-studio), I found if I wanted to do anything semi-worthwhile, It would need more than one flash.
However having sunk all my beer money this week into one decent flash (a Sigma EF-530); spending more money on another was always going to just put me in the doghouse.
The other thing is that the Sigma still relies on the pop-up flash as a trigger; and thats just messy.
So I went looking for some wireless triggers so I could use my nice new Sigma, and my rubbish old Nissin off camera. What ever i bought had to:

Work reliably
Not cost the earth
Be in Australia (because I'm impatient, and what my new toys now, NOW, NOW!!!)

So off to Fleabay!!
All I could find, in Aus were; Yongnuo 603's (which dont work on Pentax), a couple of 602N's (which again, supposedly dont work on Pentax; and you wondered why I was thinking of changing brands?), and these CowboyStudio NPT-04's (which supposedly *DO* work on Pentax).
So Tuesday night I order a set of NPT-04's and they arrived on Friday.
Now I never assumed P-TTL was going to work across the wireless, because... well, P-TTL doesn't work with anything (Thank you Pentax for using a closed-source system)

Now; I've had experiences with the 602's - and I found them to ..... *mostly* work.... mostly. *Personally* I think its the use of that tiny little half-sized AAA battery (what ever its called) that simply doesnt give them enough grunt. But I'm not expert.
These CowboyStudio receivers on the other hand use a pair of AAA's each (The transmitter gets power from the hotshoe). And they simply *Just work*.
No Messing around, no waiting for the stars to align just right, whilst the wind is blowing in the right direction.

Overall: 10/10 (for the money)

If anyone is interested; I got mine here: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/150855471435?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
