View Full Version : Returning to the fold

22-02-2013, 9:02pm
After many years away from one of my favourite hobbies I AM BACK!

During the 80's I had a trusty :plogo: K1000, a case full of lenses, filters and flashes, and an orange card file box filled with all of the details of different shots and darkroom techniques. I loved my macro and the journey into the world of all things tiny....I loved the tricks and skills that playing around in the darkroom AKA bedroom with windows papered over and black curtains. The darkroom light did come in handy many years later as a night light for the babies :D

Alas, just one month after Pentax stopped making the K1000, my camera died :(, so along came the ME Super. It was never the same, I got lazy with automation and when I moved into digital photography I barely bothered to learn the features of my Fujifilm S5500. Of course the minute you don't have camera at all you yearn to take that special shot. Murphy's Law was alive and well last year, when during a trip to Australia Zoo the battery latch failed. So in the pouring rain, with the latch held together with band-aids and muscle power a few good shots were taken.

After a hard year with one health problem after another I am finally feeling creative. So what better to do than to purchase a new Pentax K-5 that will take all of my old lenses. I have read the 370 pages of the Operating Manual and my head full to overflowing....

Wish me luck in getting past the technical bits so i can concentrate on the subject matter and get back to he joy of capturing all of those special things!

22-02-2013, 9:44pm
Welcome to AP Sue. See you on the forums

Mark L
22-02-2013, 10:15pm
Hope to see you around AP shimmering one.:)
Wouldn't mind seeing one of those photos from the zoo Sue:):)
Seriously though, you've found a good place to learn, share and help.:th3:

23-02-2013, 8:17am
Welcome to AP Sue, Enjoy the site and look forward to seeing some of your pics in the forums

23-02-2013, 11:11am
Welcome to AP Sue.

I joined the digital era with a Pentax K20D and know what you mean about the manual making your head spin.

I decided to jump straight into the 'M' setting and use it like an old SLR, and add on the 'bells and whistles' as I found the need.

Mary Anne
23-02-2013, 1:38pm
Hello Sue :action66: and Welcome to AP I am sure you will master the digital part of it, anyway best of luck there..

23-02-2013, 5:35pm
:gday: & Welcome
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

23-02-2013, 5:38pm
Welcome to AP mate. And nice choice on the K5 if I do say so myself :)

23-02-2013, 9:09pm
Hello Sue. Good to see you followed my recommendation to join the site. Have fun with the new camera.

24-02-2013, 8:13am
welcome back.