View Full Version : First time cleaning the D800's sensor

20-02-2013, 11:09am
I purchased the Copperhill product after plenty of people recommending it. Took almost a month to arrive from the US... I've put through almost 7000 frames on the D800 and this was its first clean.

Here's my result. I swiped three times - twice across the entire sensor and once down the sides. I'm generally happy, I couldn't seem to remove the crap on the bottom right side of the picture, however for now I'll just leave it since I think it could be oil rather than dust and I'll deal with it next clean down the track.



old dog
20-02-2013, 3:39pm
hi Troy.......it`s a bit iffy the first time you do it but then you get more confident. I find that I get great results if I do it this way. ...D80 and D7000.

I get a clean CD case...drop two drops next to each other....get the pad/paddle setup and place it straight down onto the drops......wait 15-20 seconds then follow the swipe path. This method is way better than my initial attempts. but I suppose that you have done the clean before. Anyway, cheers and hope you get that bad boy clean.

20-02-2013, 5:40pm
We have a site advertiser that offers all your sensor cleaning products. So no need to order from the US


20-02-2013, 8:52pm
I had a horrendous time trying to get mine clean for the first clean attempt.
(yours looks a lot more dusty in the unclean state than mine too)

Took maybe ten or more swipes to stop the smearing and dragging of more particles over the sensor.

Finally cleaned tho, and similarly to your final situation .. a couple of insignificant specs near the edges.

I reckon Nikon have some type of newer coatings on the sensor's filter pack that may make it harder to clean (as easily as previous cameras).