View Full Version : Hello To All from your newest ROOKIE

18-02-2013, 8:13pm
Hi AP and all involved,

I have just found this site by chance and it looks like it's full of great peeps and a lot of cool knowledge. I am a complete ROOKIE and have only been involved in photography for 12 months almost...... And like many others here can't stop playing with my camera! This seems to be driving the people close to me mad, but I don't care. I Have been mainly photographing landscape, sunset and architecture. I also have taken a liking to time laps for some reason..... just like piecing it together and seeing how cool things look at speed.

Have to say that on registering on this site, and reading the first few lines where I discovered how 'UN' celebrated my screen was has made all of my photos look much worse seeing I had edited them to my fuzzy un true colored screen!! Much post editing needed to fix lol...... thanks AP

Shooting with an entry level :clogo: right now (1100d) and hoping to step up into the 7D real soon.

Looking forward to meeting and talking to you all,



18-02-2013, 8:27pm
:gday: & Welcome
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

18-02-2013, 8:43pm
Welcome to AP, Show us some photos soon

Mark L
18-02-2013, 8:47pm
G'day and welcome Oaks.
You've found a good place to learn, and contribute.

....where I discovered how 'UN' celebrated my screen was ....

Yeah, I've got one of them. At least it's calibrated.:)

18-02-2013, 9:20pm
Welcome to AP Oaks, Enjoy the site and look forward to seeing some of your pics in the forums

19-02-2013, 12:46am
Cheers Oaks, and welcome to AP:D

Bear Dale
19-02-2013, 3:49pm
Welcome to the forum Oaks.

20-02-2013, 10:46am
Hi Oaks,

welcome to AP.