View Full Version : Hi

09-02-2013, 2:14pm
I am a busy mum of three. I want to learn to use my camera better and be able to take great shots. I have found this site to be so useful and provides so much inspiration in the past however I have found it difficult to find the time to read and practice. Hopefully now my baby is a bit older I can. Fingers crossed. Thanks

09-02-2013, 2:37pm
welcome back.

Bear Dale
09-02-2013, 2:55pm
Welcome back :)

Mary Anne
09-02-2013, 5:06pm
Hello and Welcome back.. I do understand there is not much ME time when you have young children.
Hopefully you can find a little more time so you can learn more, sounds like you have some cute models there :)

09-02-2013, 10:41pm
Hello and welcome, you've come to the right place to learn and it's free!!!:D

10-02-2013, 8:13am
Welcome Back, look forward to seeing some of your pics in the forums

10-02-2013, 8:21am
welcome back!! from one busy mum to another, I look forward to seeing some of your shots! :)

10-02-2013, 6:27pm
:gday: & Welcome Back
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

Staying active is easy and fun, just post an image for CC once a fortnight and
post 2 or 3 CC comments to other images in the same fortnight.