View Full Version : Quieter Shutter – Fuji Camera

William W
07-02-2013, 6:02pm
Does anyone have experience comparing and contrasting the Fuji, X-Pro 100 and the X100.

Specifically my question is:
Which of the two has the quieter shutter: the Focal Plane of the former or the Leaf Shutter in the latter?

Thank you


08-02-2013, 9:11pm
Here's a link (http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/fujifilm-x-pro1/8) to the DPReview of the X-Pro 1, down the bottom they talk about the 2 cameras in regards to shutter noise.

William W
09-02-2013, 1:47am
Thank you.

Exactly what I wanted. Very useful to me.

I thought I had read that review - but obviously I had missed those couple of sentences tucked away down there.

I was always coming from the theory that the Leaf Shutter would be quieter but I couldn't find any corroborating views.

Also interesting and useful to me is the mention of the pitch (sound) of the Shutter noise of the X-Pro 1.

Thanks again for the reference to that specific page.