View Full Version : Scam warning

06-02-2013, 7:48am
I have recently received a demand for payment from "Domain Name Renewal Group" of Melbourne. They are nothing to do with my website host and as such it is a fraudulent requst.
I have contacted Australian Federal Police regarding this matter and I just wished to make people aware.



06-02-2013, 8:23am
Ta very much. Today I received something that wished to verify my email address. I verified its deletion.

06-02-2013, 8:53am
I'm working on an IP guided nuclear weapon. It's designed to lock on to the IP address of SPAM emailers and deliver a kilo-ton reply. I hope to commercialise the product. There may be some collateral damage to folks who don't have a firewall or anti-virus software installed, but serves them right. Can I put you down for one or two?

That's a joke folks.

06-02-2013, 10:38am
Sure thing!

06-02-2013, 10:52am
I'd dearly love to repeat Milgrim's experiment and use real live spammers and a real current.



11-02-2013, 3:35pm
If you have their LAT & LONG from google maps you can technically hit them with a cruise missile!

The yanks took a photo of some new Apache Helicopter Gunships in the 'Ghan and put it on facebook with GPS. The Taliban used the information to bomb them and destroyed all.

11-02-2013, 3:47pm
How many of you just got an email from bubbly.jess@hotmail.com about a Year 12 Survey? I can check, because she put everyone's email in the address. :lol:

Lots of photographers on that list. Dare I click on the link to the survey? I think not.

11-02-2013, 3:52pm
You guys have all the fun. All I get are Nigerians telling me I have won some lottery or some rich widow has died and they need my help to transfer the $millions, or viagra ones.

11-02-2013, 3:59pm
I must have my spam setting to tight...i dont get any of that.

I do get alot of phone calls from windows telling me my computer is reporting problems and telstra telling my from the end of this month there will be a change to my bill though

11-02-2013, 5:04pm
I do get alot of phone calls from windows telling me my computer is reporting problems ...

I love them, if I'm bored I lead them on. Play dumb but not too stupid that you're too much effort.. you've done a good job when 30 minutes later they rage over the phone hahaha!