View Full Version : bird breeders/fanciers that converted to photography of them

05-02-2013, 9:36pm
As a kid I was introduced to breeding birds, and carried the hobby right through to my early 30's. Circumstances changed, interest waned, and I no longer keep birds. But all that knowledge, and interest in all things feathered, has become a blessing to my photography. I know quite a lot about parrots, and finches, know the ones that are skittish, and those that can be approached. Plus I enjoy getting great shots of them! It's very much a re-kindling of an old love, but in a different way. I wonder if many/any of us have had the same experience?

05-02-2013, 10:07pm
Welcome aboard there are always people asking for ID on different birds so your presence will certainly be appreciated.


Bear Dale
05-02-2013, 10:09pm
You pretty much echo my experience.