View Full Version : Problem with TPG/ADSL dropping out.....

old dog
05-02-2013, 4:27pm
Hi.....just lately my router (Billion ADSL) keeps dropping out. 4 or 5 times today so I`m getting pi...sed off. It seems that and I may be wrong or imagining this, when I go to check internet bank balance etc, turn on the speakers etc, it drops out. It`s been dropping out for 6-8 weeks but mostimes it can go a week or a couple of days etc without doing it. I have replaced the phone line to it, etc and no difference. I may need a new router? I just don`t know. So, is anybody else having similar trouble with TPG?

05-02-2013, 8:28pm
We are no where near your location but we are not having any problems with TPG ADSL2+ using an very old D-Link modem attached to a D-Link wireless router. When it has been on for a few days in a row, we may have to reboot the router but even that is rarely needed.

Mark L
05-02-2013, 9:11pm
Does the router have a reset button? Start again!
Not that I've got a clue really.

05-02-2013, 9:33pm
You could maybe try updating the firmware...


05-02-2013, 10:26pm
We sometimes have trouble with our ancient (c. 2005-6) D-Link modem/router dropping out, especially if it has been on for a long time (6-10 hours....have a habit of turning it on and then not bothering to turn it off until I go to bed), but it is not TPGs fault. Never had any problems with TPG and I have been using them for about 10 years now...since the days of the new high speed 256kb/ps ADSL (currently ADSL2+ 'off-net').
Sounds more like a router problem to me and while I am not a fan of upgrading firmware, fillum might have a point, although I doubt that doing this will fix the problem as this would only be of benefit if there had been 'changes' to something in the (TPG) system.
Personally I would be inclined to beg, borrow or steal another router for a period for 'testing' purposes!

06-02-2013, 12:29am
Hi Graeme, I don't use TPG and I endorse the idea of borrowing a router to use and see if it is indeed the router. When I had a similar problem it was due to corrosion on the terminals of the landline where it meets the house. I live in a coastal area and corrosion is a common problem, even for those of us 1km inland. My problems used to be more severe on windy days, it drove me nuts (until a proper repair man was sent out), because I was share trading at the time and my ADSL was on and off like a yo-yo once the afternoon sea breeze sprang up!

I see you live in Newcastle and if your broadband is coming in via an external landline, it may be worth checking this out, cheers Deb

06-02-2013, 9:09am
You could try joining whirlpool and then using the TPG forum to ask a question. Sometimes the tpg rep responds.

old dog
06-02-2013, 9:57am
thanks everyone. I might borrow another router and give that a try. My router is less than 2 yrd old..wireless-G ADSL.

06-02-2013, 10:24am
Does your router also have a cable socket? You could try running 'hard-wired' for a while to see if the issue still occurs. Might point to a problem on the wireless side of things?


old dog
06-02-2013, 1:28pm
thanks f...that`s a thought. Might try that.