View Full Version : How to create? - Fire Elemental Girls

30-01-2013, 12:47am
I got an idea of an image I want to create - I have found the exact thing that I am looking for, except I don't know how to do it.

I cannot attach other people's image - if you are kind enough, can you do a Google Image search for "fire elemental girls". Assuming the search result should always come back the same, the one I want to create will look like the #1, #3 and #4 image from the google image search.

Does anyone know how to create this? Looking forward to your advice.

Thanks in advance.

30-01-2013, 1:22am
you can paste a link to an image tho ....

soemthign like THIS (https://www.google.com.au/search?q=fire+elemental+girls&hl=en&tbo=u&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=9ecHUcylI8LqkAXetoCIBA&sqi=2&ved=0CDYQsAQ&biw=1660&bih=931#imgrc=Xr_Sijs8WanvoM%3A%3B3mKN2frqAv2qrM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fm.flikie.com%252FImageData%252FWallPapers%252F94ffc656ddb84cef9fa074d7b82ebb2a.jpg%3Bhttp% 253A%252F%252Fm.flikie.com%252F33569914%252Ffire-elemental-girl.html%253Fskey%253Dsmoke%3B960%3B854) quiknsimple googlesearch

Is that the sort of image you were referring too?

I have no idea on how YOU would do this .. but I know exactly how I'd like to achieve it.

it involves an ex, and drum of napalm, a box of matches, and industrial strength flame thrower ....... and a lot of patience, to perfect the image so as to make it as believable and real as possible.(none of this nambypamby psuedo imagery thanx! :P)

30-01-2013, 5:42am
As AK says, you cannot post the actual photo on AP, but you can post a link to where it is on the net now.

If it is the one AK links to, brush up on your editing skills. Lots of layers, lots of processing and a heap of digital art go into creating things like that.

creating fire


and here you go :


30-01-2013, 9:48am
Thanks guys. AK that's the correct link and rick thank you for linking the videos, will view the videos after work :)