View Full Version : Workflow tutorials?

27-01-2013, 7:19pm
Does anyone have any links or recommendations regarding workflow for processing an image? I have searched this site, but most similiar threads remain unanswered, google has too many answers that I am struggling to find something meaningful.

I just installed my old copy of Creative Suite 2. I have previously just been using Lightroom4 but want to get to know both programs. I am tech savvy but always shied away from Photoshop in favour of Illustrator when I was teaching kids (more graphic design and less photo-editing).

I don't get what file formats I am supposed to be using.

Do I have this right?

- Import RAW files into Lightroom
- Basic editing in LR
- Export full-size JPEGs
- Open the JPEGs in Photoshop.
... Do I import the finished products back into Lightroom when I am done just to keep all my files managed in the same place?

I don't want to do much editing in Photoshop, just occasionally when the mood takes me.

27-01-2013, 7:30pm

...I just installed my old copy of Creative Suite 2. I have previously just been using Lightroom4 but want to get to know both programs. I am tech savvy but always shied away from Photoshop in favour of Illustrator when I was teaching kids (more graphic design and less photo-editing).

I don't get what file formats I am supposed to be using.

Do I have this right?

- Import RAW files into Lightroom
- Basic editing in LR
- Export full-size JPEGs
- Open the JPEGs in Photoshop.
... Do I import the finished products back into Lightroom when I am done just to keep all my files managed in the same place?

I don't want to do much editing in Photoshop, just occasionally when the mood takes me.

I can sometimes go straight from raw to finished jpeg for posting, but not often. I think that the likes of Photoshop (I also have CS2) is sometimes
a necessity. You really ONLY have to do what editing is required. As for the mood... (???)

In your steps above, and where you have run into the limitations of Lightroom (or any raw coverter), you may sometimes want to export a 16-bit file
(almost always TIFF) that retains as much info as you can get from the raw. You can then use Photoshop to edit in16-bit. When satisfied, you can
change to 8-bit for your final save (Image - Mode - 8 bits per channel).

Importing back into Lightroom I don't understand. For further processing, I don't see why. Do you not have your files in a given folder, like
"Pics of Boats", and use Lightroom to first open the raw image and then save your result? Photoshop would then get that result from the same folder
and you'd save back to that folder. Each step with a different file name, though.


27-01-2013, 7:30pm
Try the Library... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:Workflow_and_DAM_Software

27-01-2013, 7:36pm
Well...I don't know of any workflow tutorials. What I do is...

1.) Since I have Photoshop CS3 and there is no RAW plug-in for the D7000, I export my images into ViewNX2 (Nikons free software, it's sometimes very laggy and takes awhile to respond to actions like Straightening, WB adjustment so forth...anyway).

2.) In ViewNX2, I usually play around with contrast, sharpness, straightening, WB and so forth before converting it to jpeg. I usually convert it into it's own special folder (ie - If it is a recreational photo, I usually stick it in my 'creative photos' folder, if it is work related, I create a folder for the work done).

3.) I open CS3 and use finer things such as levels adjustment, clone stamp, further straightening, crop...anything that I feel the pic needs. Sometimes it doesn't and is good to go. Other times when you get CC on here you learn you need to do a different process.

All up, for each image...it's about 2-5 minutes from the time of sticking it into NX2 to finished, sometimes a little longer but not much once you are comfortable with what specific tools can do for your specific needs with an image. That is of course, once you figure out what those needs actually are. That comes with time from receiving CC on your work and reading about photography subjects.

I'm sure everyone has their own way of doing things, do what you find comfortable for now and build from that.

Mark L
27-01-2013, 7:37pm

27-01-2013, 7:38pm
Try the Library... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:Workflow_and_DAM_Software

Ah there you go then haha. :)

27-01-2013, 7:41pm
I would suggest not trying to learn two software packages at once. Stick to Lightroom and when you have that down, then add other software to your repertoire.

We have a whole set of Lightroom tutorials HERE (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?107195-Want-to-learn-Lightroom) that guide you from the very basics right through to advanced editing. Learn and then the workflow that suits you will follow. There is not 'correct' workflow, you develop yours as you develop your skills, based on what works for you.

Trying to learn a heap of different software packages at once is just going to slow your learning process down.

Mine is:

Import photos from memory card into lightroom, tag them with keywords and import to relevant folder on hard disk
Open images one by one in Library module and use the X key to reject any I don't want
Delete rejected photos
Go to develop module and do 'whole of image editing'. Straighten horizons, adjust white balance, etc
Move photo to Photoshop
Edit as I see fit
Add watermark

27-01-2013, 8:56pm

Thankyou, I did check out the library as well as searching the site... but I missed it.

- - - Updated - - -

I would suggest not trying to learn two software packages at once. Stick to Lightroom and when you have that down, then add other software to your repertoire.

We have a whole set of Lightroom tutorials HERE (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?107195-Want-to-learn-Lightroom) that guide you from the very basics right through to advanced editing. Learn and then the workflow that suits you will follow. There is not 'correct' workflow, you develop yours as you develop your skills, based on what works for you.

Trying to learn a heap of different software packages at once is just going to slow your learning process down.

Mine is:

Import photos from memory card into lightroom, tag them with keywords and import to relevant folder on hard disk
Open images one by one in Library module and use the X key to reject any I don't want
Delete rejected photos
Go to develop module and do 'whole of image editing'. Straighten horizons, adjust white balance, etc
Move photo to Photoshop
Edit as I see fit
Add watermark

Thank you on all counts.

I don't intend to really learn two software packages at once. I just want to dabble a little in Photoshop (ie for the weekly 'painting' member challenge), that way when I am ready to seriously start to learn it I will be reasonably comfortable with the interface. (I am a quick study with tech stuff).