View Full Version : Instruction/Owner Manuals - Do you use them?

22-01-2013, 6:55pm
Interested to see who actually reads their manuals when they purchase and or acquire new items.

22-01-2013, 7:02pm
I do. I often end up with the manual for something out. This last weekend it was for the tv. I have set up a home media centre attached to my main PC, but needed the manual to work out how to get the TV to access it.

22-01-2013, 7:15pm
The manual is there to read while you wait for the batteries to charge before first use :tog:

Duane Pipe
22-01-2013, 7:17pm
Only when I have a Brain Freeze:p

22-01-2013, 7:27pm
I asked this in response to an earlier question posted on AP - should have and finally did read the section needed to gain my answer.

Thanks to work, I've just printed the full 397 A4 page 1D manual, that I never had - now for some serious (well maybe) reading, or do they call it flicking and finding ??? LOL

22-01-2013, 9:54pm
I did when I first got my D800, haven't used it since.

22-01-2013, 10:08pm
Yes I read my camera manual cover to cover when I first got it, because digital and having menus was all a bit new to me.
Once I worked out what was really important to me I have not looked at it since.

I'm keen to get a full frame so I have down loaded the manuals for the two I have in mind to see how many of the features I ready need.

22-01-2013, 10:13pm
"When all else fails, read the manual".

Seriously though, I have a short-cut to mine on my desktop and refer to it often as I recently changed brands.

And I often have a 'I didn't know my camera could do that' moment.

Mark L
22-01-2013, 10:18pm
There will come a time when you just can't figure something out. If you've read the manual once, it is much easier to recall where to look for it, and understand the second time you read it.
Re cameras. How do you know everything they can do, if you don't at least have a quick look at the manual?

- - - Updated - - -

Snap Kevin:)

22-01-2013, 10:23pm
I use a Nikon and the manuals are bloody awful, they need better indexing and better explanations of what the features are and how to use them. However having said that the manual in combination with you tube and google seem to have everything covered.

23-01-2013, 1:41am
Constantly referring to it. So much so I've downloaded the PDF to put on the iPad which lives in the camera bag.

23-01-2013, 2:21am
Constantly referring to it. So much so I've downloaded the PDF to put on the iPad which lives in the camera bag.
+1, putting User Manuals on the iPad is fantastic because the iPad has a great Search function in iBooks, just makes finding stuff so easy, cheers Deb

23-01-2013, 6:30am
Interested to see who actually reads their manuals when they purchase and or acquire new items.

I tend to figure things out myself, and only refer to the manual only if I cannot figure out how to do something, or if I'm bored and feel like something to read.

23-01-2013, 7:26am
Sure do, unpack camera, start charging battery, read manual, whack battery in camera, play with settings...

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

23-01-2013, 7:56am
Always read through the manuals and forget almost everything I have read.... but keep it in the camera bag for reference.

23-01-2013, 9:06am
I usually buy all my gear online these days... So while I'm waiting for stuff to arrive, I'll try and download the manual and read all about the new purchase before it arrives...

23-01-2013, 11:28am
I don't usually read manuals, especially for electronics..

I did however browse the 650D manual, and then spent the rest of the day reading the "how to" books that also came in the package...

23-01-2013, 12:40pm
The poll needs to define 'read'. Do you mean cover to cover, or do you mean skim through it a bit. (I do the later, but have since read cover to cover)

23-01-2013, 12:57pm
Constantly referring to it. So much so I've downloaded the PDF to put on the iPad which lives in the camera bag.

I'm borrowing this idea Peter...

- - - Updated - - -

The poll needs to define 'read'. Do you mean cover to cover, or do you mean skim through it a bit. (I do the later, but have since read cover to cover)

I sort of guessed, as it seems most who have replied understood the question, so yes Cass, cover to cover was what I was asking. :confused013

Please take it as Cover to Cover mate.. :D

23-01-2013, 2:42pm
Cameras have manuals now??

Seriously though, I read the manual to my K10d once, I had trouble understanding the english, but managed to work out how to do what I wanted. - Since then I've upgraded to the k5 and the manual has not been opened up a single time.

I'm sure there's stuff my camera can do that I'm not aware of, but if it means missing a "moment" it's not worth mucking around with. The only fancy gadget like thing I do use occaisionally is the composition adjustment tool, which allows you to move the sensor rather then the camera. Great with UWA lenses to minimise distortion. (which I didn't read the manual to find out about)

23-01-2013, 6:00pm
On the issue of camera menus specifically, I've been shooting with Canon digital cameras since 2002, and my past two cameras have been from the same product line. To that end, I'm already familiar with the camera and can get up and running quickly.

I'm sure my camera has a bunch of features I don't even know about, but I like to keep the camera's functionality really basic; eg, I don't use 'picture modes' and I keep the sharpness, colour and other sliders very neutral, as I do all of my processing out-of-camera.

23-01-2013, 10:39pm
And enlarge as well as print off the manual and if i can get a better revised manual do the same with it also. Read n read it till i think i am quite comfy with all setting , knobs and doohickies etc and where they exist within the Cameras Menu setup..
Saves scratching you head when there's a snap you want and cant remember how to, ey:)???...

24-01-2013, 1:32pm
I always read the manual when I buy gear of any sort, usually a couple of times - I rarely go back to it after the first week or two. Mostly there are better sources of information for specific queries and the manuals are good for familiarising myself with what I've actually bought.

26-01-2013, 2:06am
Cameras have manuals now??

Seriously though, I read the manual to my K10d once, I had trouble understanding the english, but managed to work out how to do what I wanted. - Since then I've upgraded to the k5 and the manual has not been opened up a single time.

I'm sure there's stuff my camera can do that I'm not aware of, but if it means missing a "moment" it's not worth mucking around with. The only fancy gadget like thing I do use occaisionally is the composition adjustment tool, which allows you to move the sensor rather then the camera. Great with UWA lenses to minimise distortion. (which I didn't read the manual to find out about)

It was always ENGRISH Greg, they have got somewhat better though. LOL

26-01-2013, 11:30am
I've always said "If all else fails, read the manual." Mine have been replaced with Magic Lantern Guides which are always in my bag. I don't use them often now but still refer to them occasionally when in unfamiliar territory.

27-01-2013, 7:18pm
I flicked through the manual when I first got it...I ended up buying the Dummies guide book for the D7000...

It sounds silly I know, however I feel anyone that can change complex explanations and processes like the manual into something simple like the Dummies book is genius.