View Full Version : Aaaarggghhh ... it's so hard to choose when voting POTY 2012

14-01-2013, 4:03pm
It's a pity it's not divided into 2 sections, photo manipulation, and straight photo.
I want to reward those who put in so much effort to manipulate an amazing result, but I also want to reward those who got a fantastic photo with as little manipulation as possible. It makes it SOOOO hard to vote.
Oh well, good luck to you all. There are some seriously spectacular photos there manipulated or not.

Be aware of the rules if you comment here though, you cannot reveal how you voted, or promote any one entry, etc etc, so generic discussions only might be adviseable.

14-01-2013, 5:32pm
I know. I went through 114 images each time saying "oh wow". I kept thinking I would buy the calendar, or the book.

14-01-2013, 5:37pm
AP does not distinguish so called SOOC and post processing because it is impossible to draw the line or enforce.
Further, when camera's have in built HDR and processing option it all becomes moot anyway.
It would be like telling a film shooter not to use the darkroom.

14-01-2013, 5:55pm
I agree voting for this was extremely difficult as every photo was excellent in its own right. When all are technically good I just had to go with my gut and vote on the photo's appeal to me personally.

Mark L
14-01-2013, 9:22pm
Also think some of the themed ones where a little disadvantaged. The theme influenced the subject matter of the photo (I know what I mean).
'spose we've all seen them as the weeks rolled by, though it's hard to remember why some photos where entered and won.
Do you remember the POTW theme for William's photo? Would that influence your vote?

15-01-2013, 5:43pm
Also think some of the themed ones where a little disadvantaged. The theme influenced the subject matter of the photo (I know what I mean).
'spose we've all seen them as the weeks rolled by, though it's hard to remember why some photos where entered and won.
Do you remember the POTW theme for William's photo? Would that influence your vote?

That is normal for POTY. Live with it.
Interestingly a themed photo of mine won the POTY at my local camera club, so you never know!

15-01-2013, 6:10pm
I never meant that we actually divide the comp, that would be as you mentioned, totally impossible. Where would you draw a line between some basic levels/contrast adjustments, and some major work that has gone into many of them. It was just that there are some that I remember the amount of work that the tog described they had to do to them, to get the effect, which blew me away doubly - one at the photo and one at what can be done in PP. Then there are others where I have no idea what level of work has gone into them but blow me away without knowing it. They still just as amazing. I just wish I could reward both the people who have put many hours of work into making a photo go way beyond it's original form, and those who have apparently gotten an amazing photo without the extremes. As has been said by others - I just had to vote with my heart. But WOW it was a great year for photo inspirations.

- - - Updated - - -

Also think some of the themed ones where a little disadvantaged. The theme influenced the subject matter of the photo (I know what I mean).
'spose we've all seen them as the weeks rolled by, though it's hard to remember why some photos where entered and won.
Do you remember the POTW theme for William's photo? Would that influence your vote?

The composite images theme brought out some amazing images, but left me wondering how to vote on those, since they were by the very theme made from more than one image, and made comparing them to single image shots quite a challenge. Maybe we should consider the composites as three times better - one times better for each photo and one times better for the skill blending them LOL. I guess you get that with a POTY comp, and as Kym says, we just have to deal with it.

15-01-2013, 7:07pm
A very difficult job with so many fantastic images but I went with my gut. Re themed photos I agree with Kim I won POTW with a themed shot In my photo group comp.

15-01-2013, 8:11pm
I reckon the emotional connection to each entry has a bigger impact at this level of voting than does the technical