View Full Version : Is anyone here playing with Ultraviolet photos using Canon DSLR's ?

13-01-2013, 1:58pm

I have been playing a lot with UV photos lately and discovered it has quite a following in the Nikon Circles.
I am trying to do it with Canon and as I seem to be alone with this, I thought I would put a shout out to see if anyone else is "Expearimenting"

I posted a poorly produced Youtube video on the subject and have started a blog. Does anyone else have an interest ?





13-01-2013, 2:13pm
LOL! I'm a Nikon shooter too, and have been fascinated by this spectrum for years.

Still haven't got any proper lenses to capture any reasonable images.

And as this is the perfect time of year for natural light UV, once again, I'll miss out(I won't be acquiring any more gear for a few months yet).

What filter(s) do you use? And what lens(es)?

13-01-2013, 5:36pm

I am using a 2nd hand Baader U 2" filter (eBay) and some very cheap EL Nikkor Enlarger lenses.
I managed to get the lenses for under $80 each and they seem to work well.

I am currently using

Nikon EL-Nikkor 75mm f/4 Enlarging Lens
Nikon EL-Nikkor 80MM 5.6 Enlarger Lens
Nikon El-Nikkor 1:4 50mm Enlarger Lens

13-01-2013, 7:00pm
Hm! Another one of those protracted conversations, Micky. Still doing astro, btw?

AS for this image, have you got a visible spectrum one to compare it with?

13-01-2013, 8:27pm

I want to do astro but my work hours have stopped me. I seem to be always working. I have managed to get a number of shots off of the Sun using a Personal Solar telescope.

It seems I can find time for photos during daylight hours hence the UV has currently got my interest.

I do have a visible of the same flower. Not easy to compare as I used a different camera, lens and shooting angle.


13-01-2013, 8:36pm
That's OK. It gives me some idea. It's mainly to compare luminosity in the two bandwidths.
Ta, Am.

13-01-2013, 11:06pm

I am using a 2nd hand Baader U 2" filter (eBay) and some very cheap EL Nikkor Enlarger lenses.
I managed to get the lenses for under $80 each and they seem to work well.

I am currently using

Nikon EL-Nikkor 75mm f/4 Enlarging Lens
Nikon EL-Nikkor 80MM 5.6 Enlarger Lens
Nikon El-Nikkor 1:4 50mm Enlarger Lens

I'm not a UV shooter at all but kind of keep an eye out anyway. Have you seen these:


and this, which I think is iteresting because it seems to debunk some of the myth about the 63/3.5 (I have the 63/2.8 so was qurious):




and from the same person:


13-01-2013, 11:24pm


I am currently using

Nikon EL-Nikkor 75mm f/4 Enlarging Lens


I found one of the early versions on ebay for next to nothing, but the only problem is that (as it's an early, metal bodied version), I can't find a filter adapter to fit the front threads(properly).

They're a 34.5mm diameter, not the later model with the 40.5mm filter threads.
I got a 34-52mm adapter, but I need to wind some plumbers tape over the 34mm thread ends to keep it attached to the enlarger lens. As it's not very secure I don't want to risk placing any expensive filters on it anyhow.

If you have any info as to a source for an adapter going from 34.5mm to a more common sized filter thread ... any size, as long as it's a common size such as 37 or even the 40.5 .... let us know.

I've been contemplating modding my old D70s not to full spectrum for this sort of stuff too.
Is your camera modified for UV?

looking forward to seeing more.

14-01-2013, 9:24am
I'm not a UV shooter at all but kind of keep an eye out anyway. Have you seen these:


and this, which I think is iteresting because it seems to debunk some of the myth about the 63/3.5 (I have the 63/2.8 so was qurious):




and from the same person:


Thanks for the links. Yes, I am aware of three of these links and have read and re-read them many times. I have been in touch with the Author's and swapping info.

One of the links is a new one for me so I guess I will now be looking that over :) (http://www.macrolenses.de/objektive_sl.php?lang)

- - - Updated - - -

I found one of the early versions on ebay for next to nothing, but the only problem is that (as it's an early, metal bodied version), I can't find a filter adapter to fit the front threads(properly).
They're a 34.5mm diameter, not the later model with the 40.5mm filter threads.
I got a 34-52mm adapter, but I need to wind some plumbers tape over the 34mm thread ends to keep it attached to the enlarger lens. As it's not very secure I don't want to risk placing any expensive filters on it anyhow.
If you have any info as to a source for an adapter going from 34.5mm to a more common sized filter thread ... any size, as long as it's a common size such as 37 or even the 40.5 .... let us know.
I've been contemplating modding my old D70s not to full spectrum for this sort of stuff too.
Is your camera modified for UV?
looking forward to seeing more.

Yes, I have 2 of the metal ones and I also have plumbers tape around a 34mm filter to make it all fit. I am using a 34-37mm. I am still looking for a better solution.
My camera is modified full spectrum and then reduced to UV using a Baader U. A full UV conversion involves removing the colour filter array and microlenses. It also means you end up with a UV only, black and white.
This can make it 6x more effective with UV.
I needed the camera to do more than UV.

I believed the D70 can do great UV photos without modding.

14-01-2013, 12:40pm
I got motivated and created a Flickr group for UV and Canon photography.
I was lead to believe that noone with Canon's was working in UV and already the group has three of us posting photos.
Some of them are very impressive.


14-01-2013, 5:49pm
Ta 4 the interesting link, Micky. I had a UV pass filter 1nce. I wish I could find it again.

14-01-2013, 11:29pm

Yes, I have 2 of the metal ones and I also have plumbers tape around a 34mm filter to make it all fit. I am using a 34-37mm. ......

LOL! .... so it looks as though I may need to maintain a decent supply of plumbers tape then.

I thought it best to ask at least, as you never know.

I just epoxied my adapter to the lens now, as that's really all I'd ever use the EL 75mm for.

17-01-2013, 11:08pm
I just tried a EL Nikkor 50mm with the Baader U. It was more trouble than it was worth. I also tried an L series 24-70 with step rings to fit a Baader U. I have not removed the UV coatings and it worked. Slightly longer exposure at 1/3 Sec.

18-01-2013, 7:11am
Yes. I've dabbled.
I bought a B+W/430 and tried the various cameras and lenses that I had at my disposal. It turned out that an unmodified 10D wasn't too bad. I knew that it was lousy at the IR end (almost no H-alpha in astro photos) and a spectral curve I found seemed to indicate it should do OK down to 380nm.

http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4086/4989186231_02552228a7_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/stevetla/4989186231/)
Bidens ferrurifolia In UV light (http://www.flickr.com/photos/stevetla/4989186231/) by stevetla (http://www.flickr.com/people/stevetla/), on Flickr

http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6005/5932832163_d507469f69_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/stevetla/5932832163/)
UV Dandelion (http://www.flickr.com/photos/stevetla/5932832163/) by stevetla (http://www.flickr.com/people/stevetla/), on Flickr


18-01-2013, 11:11am
Very nice. I like these a lot. Do you find yellow flowers work the best ?
I seem to have had better responces from yellow flowers (or at least from the variety of flowers I have been able to test which I have around me).

18-01-2013, 11:23am
Thanks. I just went for a few examples that I knew had different patterns under UV than in visible light. I didn't get as far as wandering around the local garden centre.
Now that you mention it, yellow is the complimentary colour to blue so I guess they would have the most contrast (or maybe it's just coincidence).

19-01-2013, 11:58pm
I modified a Vivitar 285vh flash today. It is now full spectrum. I took some photos using my normal, unaltered 24-70 L lens and a baader U on my full spectrum camera. The unmodified lens worked and I got a reasonable UV image. I am fairly happy with the results. I might have to try some other lenses.

- - - Updated - - -

I also messed with a UV Blacklight in the visual range.
