View Full Version : Newby

13-01-2013, 1:57pm
Hi to everyone at AP!!

I'm new to this site but pleased to be part of a wider community so "gidday" to everyone in this community!

I live and work in the Pilbara, Port Hedland, WA. It's an incredible, diverse, interesting region and completely opposite to my birth place - Lake Taupo, NZ, in every form, apart from maybe the accents...there's lots of us KIWI's here!

However, as diverse as this place is to live and work photography is even more so. There are so many brutish, untamed, forlorn places to seek here it really is a photograhers dream and it's funny how this place has grown on me simply because I picked up a camera and saw the Pilbara from a new and exciting perspective - it can be a diificult place to live if..."you don't get out"!!!

I shoot :nlogo: !!!!!!! A D700 to be precise and my good OCKER mate Glassy shoots a :clogo: 5D MKII........Needless to say we have some interesting conversations! And not just about the RUGBY!!!

Well that's a bit about me and I look forward to hearing from anyone who so chooses to - Cheers......BELLY, the "not so" sheep shaggin KIWI!! :nzsheep: PS...Go the All Blacks eh!!!:2tgnew:

13-01-2013, 2:02pm
Welcome. See you on the forums

13-01-2013, 4:52pm
Well gidday to you Belly. I will be looking forward to seeing your photos of the area that you now call home. The conversations with Glassy would be interesting but (biting tongue), I have to back a kiwi with the camera gear only. I'll back Glassy on the sport. Anyway welcome and enjoy the forum.

13-01-2013, 9:08pm
:gday: & Welcome
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

14-01-2013, 7:59am
Welcome to AP Belly, enjoy the site and look forward to seeing some of your photo's in the forums

14-01-2013, 11:56pm
Thanks for the welcome Alandme and no worries with the sport! Lucky I'm not a Cannonite otherwise it would've been two strikes!:2smile:

I'm interested in what you think of your D800. I'm thinking of adding it to my arsenal also as my wife bought me a NIKKOR 14 - 24 f2.8 for chrissy so owning a classy lens deserves what appears to be a very classy camera. Let me know your thoughts are on this, would really appreciate it.

Cheers for now

- - - Updated - - -

Cheers Wayne, thanks for the welcome, see you around the traps. Belly