View Full Version : Anyone up for another light painting Meet on 19th January?

05-01-2013, 6:58pm
As our light painting meets are enjoyed so much by us all, I was wondering if anyone was interested in having another one while the weather is nice and warm. I was thinking the w/end of 19th/20th January would be a good time ( just before school resumes and I go back to work).

I finally received my 3 ELC wires and I also have some red and multi-coloured LED christmas light (the same type as Karen's). I also want to look around for a hoola-hoop which I believe can make some interesting patterns.

I am not sure of a location yet but am happy to have any suggestions put forward.

Please post in this thread if you would like to come - we will probably run the meet along the same time frame as our last meet at Chowder Bay.:2smile:

06-01-2013, 7:31am
Hi Narelle, I'm away that weekend so can't make those dates. Sorry.

06-01-2013, 8:51am
Hi Narelle I'm in!! What about going to the original place we had planned before it was taken over by the focus group??

06-01-2013, 12:25pm
Yep, I am in and Middle Head will do.

06-01-2013, 2:58pm
Sorry Ness - It looks like it will be a goer.

07-01-2013, 8:23am
Ok, it's official. The location will be at at Middle Harbour. You can find out more information about the area here: http://www.sydney.com/destinations/s...rk-middle-head (http://www.sydney.com/destinations/sydney/sydney-city/sydney-harbour/attractions/sydney-harbour-national-park-middle-head)

The intention is to meet around 3pm. You will need to bring your own food, chairs and drink for an evening meal.
Photo opportunities will include the fortifications and panoramic views.

Parking is outside the boom gate in the car parks and regretfully paid parking (thanks to the Sydney Harbour Forshore Authority).

Technically the park is sunrise to sunset so I guess there is a chance we may be asked to leave.

07-01-2013, 10:06am
I'll restock my steel wool supplies!!:2smile:

07-01-2013, 3:38pm
Any chance of making it an evening meet starting about 6:30 or 7pm? Sunset will be after 8pm.

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07-01-2013, 5:05pm
Cou;nt me in.. Sounds good. I bought some EL wire as well and i will bring my steel wool as well

07-01-2013, 6:14pm
I don't care what time we make it - I will go with the flow.

11-01-2013, 7:29am
Any one else up for this meet?

11-01-2013, 7:59am
Just a reminder here. With the current fire conditions, if your State/Area has a total fire ban on the day of the meet you cannot use steel wool, etc. Anything that uses a naked flame will be out. Just something to consider during the planning so you have plenty of alternatives in need.

11-01-2013, 8:20am
HI Rick
i was just thinking that myself, i will also take a fire extinguisher on the nite if we are able to go ahead .
Have you been affected by the fires down your way???

11-01-2013, 10:32am
Yes I had also thought about the fact that NSW is on Total fire ban at the moment so steel wool definitetly out but plenty of opportunity for light painting with torches etc. I want to prcactise my orb technique and attempt some domes!!
I can also bring a fire extinguisher......same one I brought to first light painting meet at Little Bay! He He:2smile:

11-01-2013, 1:04pm
I had also thought of it but we have enough lights/torches/flashes to have some fun. It will be a good opportunity to get really creative. I am going to try and make some light stencils and I will also bring along some props, e.g a guitar:2smile:

11-01-2013, 1:50pm
HI Rick
i was just thinking that myself, i will also take a fire extinguisher on the nite if we are able to go ahead .
Have you been affected by the fires down your way???

Only smoke, it was thick (like fog) for about 5 days, its only cleared and allowed the blue sky to get through in the last couple of days. Otherwise I am good. Just did my shopping at Coles (today in Tassie all profits from Coles stores goes to the bushfire appeal)

11-01-2013, 3:45pm
I intend to come along and will bring some light gear.

11-01-2013, 3:48pm
Christine should be coming and will assist in the
light painting.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

14-01-2013, 4:29pm
I managed to buy a hoola-hoop and a light saber at a $2 shop today. I will have the hoola-hoop ready to go with the lights attached to save time.
Karen - can you have your orb lights all taped up ready to go as I will do with the multi coloured ones. I think I remember how you did it. :2smile:
Paul - if there is no fire ban on Saturday (which I doubt there will be) can you have your steel wool twirly thing ready also.

LETS MAKE IT THAT WE MEET IN THE CAR PARK AT 6:30PM AND NO LATER (just in case we get moved on and have to find another location)

Don't forget to charge up your battereies if you are using them for your lighting implements. Looking forward to seeing you then. Anyone else that wants to join us please post in this thread by 2pm Sat.19th January so we know to expect you. :2biggn:

14-01-2013, 6:51pm
Will Do!!:2smile:

14-01-2013, 7:30pm
I knew I should have checked with the Boss. SWMBO just informed me we are booked into an engagement party on Saturday so I can't come to the meet.
Have a good time and get some good shots.

14-01-2013, 8:43pm
That's a shame Greg.

15-01-2013, 7:46pm
I will be coming Narelle and intend to bring some sort of lighting effect gear:tog:

15-01-2013, 9:06pm
Phil - I have PM'ed some of the regulars as we only had 4 members attending. This meet may be moved to Saturday, 2nd Feb instead so we can get a better attendance. Would you be ok with that date? I will keep you informed of what is happening - I am just waiting to receive a couple more replies form the messages I sent.

17-01-2013, 7:48am

18-01-2013, 3:24pm

20-01-2013, 10:56am
It was good to catch up last night. Great fun ...

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8185/8396859046_29ef0a15ba_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/peterbphotography/8396859046/)
Middle Head 3 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/peterbphotography/8396859046/) by peterb666 (http://www.flickr.com/people/peterbphotography/), on Flickr

20-01-2013, 8:10pm
Hi everyone I posted some photos in the Night/Astro section.
By the way Peter that photo is really noise free.

20-01-2013, 9:46pm
Thanks Phil

I posted my photos here... (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?115928-AP-meet-at-North-Head&p=1108898&viewfull=1#post1108898)

20-01-2013, 9:47pm
Mine are in the same section here: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?115929-Sydney-ap-light-painting-meet

Thanks for making the effort last night - it was such a great venue. I had heaps of fun with exploring and shooting there. I didn't get home until 12:30pm - Karen and I had some great conversation in the car park. :)

Mr Felix
15-02-2013, 8:03am
Sorry I missed it.

Oh well. Can't cry over spilled (Spelling?) milk.