View Full Version : Registax (6) users...

05-01-2013, 11:36am
I just installed this (apparently free) program and spent some time giving it a whirl on a set of 4 images of stars.

After a bit of mucking around I thought I had got it to work, but the final image comes as just "overlays" of the original 4.
That is, they are not properly superimposed, even though I took pains to do that very step.

Anyway, does anybody know of any good "help/how-to/userguide" for this program?

I feel a bit :o about this.


05-01-2013, 12:13pm
Hello, Am

I used to use Registax 5 for aligning and stacking 1000’s of frames of Jupiter and the surface of our Moon. I have never used it for stars which are points of light rather than extended surface features.

I wonder if Registax is struggling to align point like sources rather than extended features?

It might be worth trying to hunt down a star alignment application rather than a planetary/lunar app?

Although I have not used it, I have heard others say that DeepSky Stacker (free) is a good app.




05-01-2013, 2:00pm
Ta Dennis. Would you believe that somebody also told me that shortly after posting this thread. I have done it and have got some results already, but it shifted the tones a lot - I used 4 equivalent exposures except for a doubling of ISO between subsequent ones. Will now have to sort that out.
Ta, Am.