View Full Version : No sure What I am doing wrong

01-01-2013, 9:10pm
Hey Everyone

Ok I am not sure if I am putting this in the right place and not sure what I am doing wrong here so please someone tell me, as I have been working on my focusing and trying to get sharper shots over the last couple of days, and to me the dog photo's are sharper then the photo's of my daughter not like she really was playing the game to day (the christmas photo was done with 18 - 55mm and all the others are done today with a 55mm - 200mm lens). Ok I am using to same of aperture for the people shoot's any advice would be great as since I have been back my photo's have been way off in my eye's and I have not been happy with them, it all just can't be the fact that I have a big belly now.













01-01-2013, 9:30pm
Your shutter speeds are likely the issue here

The first two photos are at 1/60 and 1/100, then they move to things like 1/250th. In the first two shutter speeds of 1/60th of a second can be blurry due to your subject moving. At 1/250th of a second you manage to freeze most movement blur

01-01-2013, 9:35pm
Thanks Rick I now it most likely a very blonde question but could not work it out I will go back to the drawing board and keep working on it the only way I going to get it right is keep trying Thanks for that your have been very helpful.


Mark L
02-01-2013, 10:54pm
Don't be afraid to use higher ISO to get that faster shutter speed.

Phil the Sparky
05-01-2013, 7:13pm
Also if your shooting a person / animal I almost always just use centre point focus, you get the centre point focused on the eye and then recompose the shot.
If the subject is moving well that makes it harder.