View Full Version : Gotta laugh!

01-01-2013, 1:25pm
OK. So, am coming from a medium format background and have made a BIG jump to digital by buying a D800. Talk about jumping in the deep end. So I'm learning day by day all about this extraordinary tool and have been having a lot of trouble getting the inbuilt flash to operate consistently. We are going away camping tomorrow and repair will have to wait until I get back. Can get by without flash doing landscape. One last analysis I thought. Go to Live View- flash charge icon up, put it up to my eye- flash charge icon out. Go to Live View -flash fires, use eyefinder- no flash. GRRR! Move away from my eye slightly- flash fires. ###? Eureka!
I wear a peaked cap most times and the tip of the peak was touching the popup flash just enough to deactivate it. Hmmm. Very hi-tech- NOT! Happy New Year all.

01-01-2013, 1:44pm
Hope we get to see some of your photography soon, after all that is what AP is here for.

01-01-2013, 2:49pm
A hint about the peak cap. The shade is only a secondary function. Its primary function is to grab and turn the hat away from knocking into your camera. I know because I'm always doing it...:2apolo:

Lance B
01-01-2013, 3:12pm
People think that the inventors of wearing baseball caps backwards were the ghetto or street boys, but it wasn't, it was DSLR owners who kept knocking their pop-up flashes down when they tried to take a photograph. So, photogs would wear their peak caps backwards all the time whilst taking photographs, and as we photogs are looked upon as such trend setters, the street boys took up the fashion trend that we pioneered and took it for their own thinking they look cool like us photogs. :2anony::D

02-01-2013, 10:14pm
clutching at straws there Lance :2smile:

03-01-2013, 7:00am
I would highly recommend a beanie !!! :lol:

Cheers :food04: Tropix55

Warren Ackary
03-01-2013, 9:14am
Been there done (& still doing that), bring on the winter when Ill only have my beanie on!