View Full Version : Sigma or Tamron

29-12-2012, 7:04am
Hi all

I will be travelling to India later in February and I would like to get a wide angle lens to take with me. I have a Canon 60D (only lens I have is a Sigma 18-200mm) and am looking at either the sigma 10-20mm or tamron 10-24mm lens.

I havent considered the Canon lens of the same size as I will probably ugrade the camera in a year or so, so I am looking for something to get me by in the meantime.


29-12-2012, 7:09am
I had the sigma once it is a great lens so i can recommend that one. Have you thought about the tokina 11-16 its a F2.8 lens could be handy on your travels.

29-12-2012, 7:14am
To be honest I hadnt looked at the Tokina. New to this so really only have limited knowledge of what is available. Will have a look.

29-12-2012, 7:19am
If you are going to upgrade later in the year, are you considering a Full Frame sensor camera body? Both of the lenses you have mentioned are for crop sensor bodies only. If FF is your upgrade path, have a look at the Sigma 12-24 as it is the widest rectilinear (wide angle zoom) for FF on the market.

29-12-2012, 7:26am
Hi Rick

I will be going the full frame route. I would probaly not buy any more lenses and learn with what I have (+the 10 - xx lens) and then sell them all as a package and start from new.

29-12-2012, 7:41am
DC. look here. (http://www.sigmaphoto.com/shop/wide-angle-zoom-lenses)

DG indicates full frame lens (and obviously DC is for crop frame).

Look elsewhere (like here) (http://www.myshopping.com.au/PR--412301_Sigma_12_24mm_F4_5_5_6_DG_HSM_II_Lens) for the prices in Australia. The prices listed in this link are often much higher than you can get elsewhere.

29-12-2012, 7:51am
Hi Rick

I will be going the full frame route. I would probaly not buy any more lenses and learn with what I have (+the 10 - xx lens) .....

I think what Rick is saying is instead of getting the 10-xx lens now, why not get the 12-24 Sigma for only a few dollars more NOW which then has you covered for when you finally go with the FF camera.

This saves you losing eve a few dollars with whatever 10-xx lens now.

If this isn't an option for you, then just go with the cheapest lens available(I think that's the Sigma).

29-12-2012, 8:38am
I think what Rick is saying is instead of getting the 10-xx lens now, why not get the 12-24 Sigma for only a few dollars more NOW which then has you covered for when you finally go with the FF camera.

This saves you losing eve a few dollars with whatever 10-xx lens now.

If this isn't an option for you, then just go with the cheapest lens available(I think that's the Sigma).
Yep, makes sense. So the lens Rick listed can be used on both Full and Half frame?

29-12-2012, 8:52am
12-24 is full frame, so yep!

But!!! you can't easily mount filters(ND/GND/CPL) onto the Sigma 12-24 lens, just like many or all of the other branded Super UWA lenses for full frame as the size of the bulbuous front element has it's issues.

Where you can, it's a very costly exercise to do so .. so keep this in mind as well.

Mark L
29-12-2012, 8:56pm
...... So the lens Rick listed can be used on both Full and Half frame?
As Arthur indicated, yes.
Just to clarify for you DCR (sorry if it's not needed, but just in case).
My understanding is, any lens that can be used on FF can be used on your crop sensor Canon. However, not all lens that can be used on your crop sensor Canon can be used on a FF camera (like the ones you originally mentioned, and the Canon 10-22).

30-12-2012, 8:14am
Yep, makes sense. So the lens Rick listed can be used on both Full and Half frame?

As Arthur indicated, yes.
Just to clarify for you DCR (sorry if it's not needed, but just in case).
My understanding is, any lens that can be used on FF can be used on your crop sensor Canon. However, not all lens that can be used on your crop sensor Canon can be used on a FF camera (like the ones you originally mentioned, and the Canon 10-22).

Er.., I think all the info to here would indicate that the answer would be "Yes"...

30-12-2012, 9:13am
Thanks everyone.

31-12-2012, 3:25pm
The Tokina 11-16, while designed for crop sensor cameras WILL work on FF cameras if set at 15mm or above.

It's a very good lens too.

03-01-2013, 2:18pm
There a quite a few good lenses on the market place at the moment, so with that in Mind and the forethought of going to FF, it would make a lot of sense now to look at a dedicated FF lens. Bear in mind that in the interim, you'll need to add the crop factor to the lens - so 1.6 x say 12 - 24 mm would be - 19 - 38 mm EFOV

Tokina make some great UWA lenses that fit FF Canon bodies. Here (http://www.tokinalens.com/tokina/products/atxprofx/)

With Tokina (Whilst nothing against the 11 - 16 as Benny has mentioned) you want a FX mount lens, designed to fit FF and will fit on APS-C but will have an altered EFOV.

The Sigma as mentioned and by all accounts is a cracker of a lens.

Do you have a budget for the lens?