View Full Version : Converted the 50D to Video Cam

17-12-2012, 5:43pm
Was talking to a guy this morning , He mentioned that his mate uploaded the latest Firmware to his 50D , He had Version 1.0.9 Ver2.3 on his camera, (50D) No Vidieo capabilities ? I had fimeware version 1.0.6 , When I got home I went to the Canon site and the latest version was 1.0.9 ? What this Ver2.3 ? After a google , What is Version 1,0,9 ver2.3 for a 50D It turns out that you can download this freeware that overrides the canon firmware And with the version your 50D has Video capabilities !! Full 1080, 30 fps, iso 128,000, HDR function and a heap of other stuff , to put life back into the 50D , The rubbish bin button turns it on , The OK button starts the video , And to get rid of the progam, Just reinstall the Canon latest Firmware !! It appears Canon were to slack to add the extra buttons to activate the Camera for Video ? The Firmware update is here at , "Magic Lantern" check it out http://magiclantern.wikia.com/wiki/Magic_Lantern_Firmware_Wiki Any body else tried this ? Looks Good to put that extra life back into the 50D :2smile:

17-12-2012, 6:03pm
I thought you were one of those guys that didn't see any value in such fripperies as video on a DSLR! :p

17-12-2012, 6:16pm
I'm Not Arthur, BUT, This looks OK , And I could'nt find on the Internet any reason not to give it a go , The Camera if you dont start the program , By pushing the Rubbish bin button , Still works the same as a normal 50D :2smilS:

19-12-2012, 3:14pm
Hay Bill,

I had read this about a year ago, there was some stuff kicking around on the net, I just thought it was BS.

So have you done this? and whats it like in real terms?

Cheers mate.

19-12-2012, 3:52pm
Buy a bigger CF card than you have installed / Are using , If you dont launch on start up "Magic Lantern" The cam still works as a normal 50D , No sound obviously ( unless you buy external plug in;s) , But full 1080P Video , The Intervalometer is a cool thing to play with , The HDR function , The extended ISO , Hey and Roosta , I have'nt installed it yet , Make sure you have Firmware version 1.0.9 from Canon , My mate has it installed and we had a play on his Camera , I'm not sure yet , Cause if it goes wrong on install the camera is trash !! , But if you look on the internet , The version for the 50D Ver 2.3 is Very, very stable and has'nt caused any probs , All they have done is improve on Canons firmware to get the most out of the Camera, I've downloaded it , But just waiting to see if there's any probs with my mates , Which was uploaded by mistake , He thought he uploading Canons latest firmware
PS : Have a look here Roosta : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=Vv_YyP-HJcU&NR=1

19-12-2012, 4:26pm
Buy a bigger CF card than you have installed / Are using , If you dont launch on start up "Magic Lantern" The cam still works as a normal 50D , No sound obviously ( unless you buy external plug in;s) , But full 1080P Video , The Intervalometer is a cool thing to play with , The HDR function , The extended ISO , Hey and Roosta , I have'nt installed it yet , Make sure you have Firmware version 1.0.9 from Canon , My mate has it installed and we had a play on his Camera , I'm not sure yet , Cause if it goes wrong on install the camera is trash !! , But if you look on the internet , The version for the 50D Ver 2.3 is Very, very stable and has'nt caused any probs , All they have done is improve on Canons firmware to get the most out of the Camera, I've downloaded it , But just waiting to see if there's any probs with my mates , Which was uploaded by mistake , He thought he uploading Canons latest firmware
PS : Have a look here Roosta : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=Vv_YyP-HJcU&NR=1

Bill, Your mate is the second one I've heard of doing this, will stay tuned. Sounds to good to be true though. But I hope for his and his cameras sake, its legit.

19-12-2012, 5:25pm
It's legit :2biggn: It was developed by a guy into Cinema photography wanting to use a DSLR for filming , I saw an interview with a Canon guy about Magic Lantern , Canon originally made the 50D with Live View for Video, But Nikon beat them to it with the release of the D90 , The first DSLR with HD Video , So they hung back to see how it would go , They released the 50D in standard format , Live view without Video , All "Magic Lantern" did was inprove on the firmware , Utilising the Delete button as the start up button for video , The set button becomes the "Play" button and all the other features are here if you want to look : http://wiki.magiclantern.fm/userguide#magic_lantern_v23_-_user_s_guide I'm gunna install it , You just have to reinstall the latest Canon fimware to uninstall :2smile: