View Full Version : Nailed

Mick B
16-12-2012, 8:52pm
OK all you fellow carpenters and anyone else who think they know.
Here is a photo of one nail which has been just tapped into a piece of scrap timber with 10 other nails laying at it's base. The nails in question are 65mm flat heads.
The task is to balance the 10 nails on top of the one standing . No magnets, electricity, glue of any kind are used and provided it is not too windy if done out doors, it can be done anywhere. All you need is a steady hand. I have the photo of the nails balancing, but haven't uploaded that photo anywhere yet, so It's no use looking !
I will post a pic of the answer in a day or 2 time. Have fun !


16-12-2012, 9:00pm
I think i have it but i wont give it away

Mark L
16-12-2012, 9:26pm
^ I don't have it, bit I'm off to the local hardware store in the morning to see if I can get it. :2smile:

Mary Anne
16-12-2012, 11:56pm
Plenty of videos on line will show you how.. :lol:

17-12-2012, 1:46pm
I thought I had it but if I ask you a question it might give the idea away.
OK, see PM.

Mick B
18-12-2012, 9:39pm
Here is how it is done. Easy really !


19-12-2012, 1:34pm
ahh yes good ole physics and imagination...there are no limits..:santa:

Lance B
19-12-2012, 5:25pm

old dog
19-12-2012, 8:09pm
hey that`s cool. My poor old brain would have had a meltdown if I had of tried to get this out.

Mick B
19-12-2012, 8:51pm
Glad you all enjoyed that !
The main thing is that you use flat head nails so that the heads can lock between the other 2 nails. I doubt that plain jolt / bullet head nails would work.

20-12-2012, 7:46am
Not what I thought.I just used supa glue :lol:

02-01-2013, 8:48am
Sometimes it is good being late, saved me having to try and work it out!

04-01-2013, 1:04am
That's a classic think out of the square moment

10-01-2013, 6:03pm
I have added another way to do this. Your way was the way we were shown initially, but we had a 20 year old here last year and he fiddled about and came up with this.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8360/8367089650_d560a190e5_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bransty2010/8367089650/)
DSCF2326 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bransty2010/8367089650/) by Bransty2010 (http://www.flickr.com/people/bransty2010/), on Flickr

Guess there could be a few other ways also.