View Full Version : what next?

16-12-2012, 3:29pm
having purchased a 5Dmkiii with the 24-105 lens plus 100-400 L series lens I am wondering what would be the next lens to add I shoot street portrature plus like to use for scenery shots on holidays
I have found the 24-105 lens to be quite useful but am wondering if that is the right one for street shots.
Leaving for Canada on Tues. so could possibly pick one up in Canada or US if I know right one to choose
I am finding the 5D to be a delight to use and I am a very happy camper so far (upgraded from Pentax ISTdX):2smile:

Old Skool
16-12-2012, 6:28pm
I'd be looking at a wide angle, something like the 17-40L.

16-12-2012, 6:57pm
$ 100 and a bit will get you a nifty 50, i love mine

16-12-2012, 11:05pm
The new Sigma 35mm 1.4 looks the goods

17-12-2012, 8:28am
thanks for the info will look into it tomorrow :xmas31: at the airport:2smilS:

17-12-2012, 10:32pm
took your advice and purchased the F4 17-40L
looking forward to using this trip and next year on the silk road
I think with some practice I "should" be able to get some great shots :2tranq2:

William W
18-12-2012, 6:07pm
having purchased a 5Dmkiii with the 24-105 lens plus 100-400 L series lens I am wondering what would be the next lens to add I shoot street portrature plus like to use for scenery shots on holidays

I would add a 35/1.4L

I have found the 24-105 lens to be quite useful but am wondering if that is the right one for street shots.

I would be happy to travel on holidays through Canada with just those two lenses (35 and 24 to 105) on a 5D MkIII.

The 24 to 105 is very nice for Street Portraiture:
"Photographer #37"
5D; 24~104/4 IS @ 82mm; F/4 @ 1/5s @ ISO1250; IS ON; M Mode; AWB #593236 JPEG SOOC


5D 24~105/4 IS @ 105mm; F/4 @ 1/25s @ ISO200; HH; IS ON; M Mode; AWB. #572773 JPEG


But, the 35/1.4 is different and it allows a variety of complimentary options to the 24 to 105, for Street Photography.
5D; 35/1.4; F/2.2 @ 1/320s @ ISO3200; HH; MMode; AWB; 592881 JPEG

"Photographer #32"
5D; 35/1.4; F/2.2 @ 1/40s @ ISO1600; HH; AvMode; 0ExComp; EvalMeter; AWB; 592922 JPEG


. . . plus like to use for scenery shots on holidays

I don’t find much use for wider than 24mm for ‘scenery’.

Much wider than 24mm it is more likely to become a wide but ultimately boring shot.

Many Photographers fall into what I would argue is the trap of presupposing and assuming that Landscape Photography and ‘scenery’, NEED to be made with an Ultra Wide Angle Lens.

That is not to say that a 16 to 35 or 17 to 40 is not a useful travel lens: but 16mm to 24mm requires judicious use - and if used judiciously - I would see not much use for that FL Range, as a general ‘travel lens’.

MUCH more value is in a Fast Prime for ‘Street Portraiture’: having the 'scenery' just about covered with a 24 to 105 Focal Length range.


18-12-2012, 9:22pm
Although I love primes, for travel I agree with the 17-40 purchase, the 35mm just duplicates a focal length already covered.

The 24-105 will do fine for street shots, the 17-40 for scenery and the 100-400 for wildlife.

The only lens missing is a macro lens!

- - - Updated - - -

After just saying what I did above, another thought would be the cheap (but brilliant) 40mm pancake for some more candid street shots maybe.

19-12-2012, 7:09am
How about using your gear and enjoying it. If/when you find something is missing or your equipment is limiting your shots thats when you can answer this question yourself. A fact that is lost on forums is that just because there are different styles of lenses doesnt mean you need one of each, or for some forums 8 of each.

William W
19-12-2012, 5:27pm
To predicate a lens choice debate upon duplicating Focal Lengths – then that logic can be applied both ways.

A 17 to 40F/4 added to an existing 24 to 104F/4, only gains 17 to 23: and 24 to 40 is a duplication.

So in simple terms, the FL ‘gain’ is only 17 to 23 or in other words only about 30% of the lens’s total zoom compass – leaving about 70% as ‘a duplication of Focal length’

Moreover, that duplication is ALSO at the same Maximum Aperture yet at the LOSS OF Image Stabilization.

The reason for suggesting a fast prime – specifically the 35/1.4 – is that the OP specified Street Photography, a genre where a very fast maximum aperture is oft utilized: and where a 35mm FL is often chosen for many reasons, As examples 35mm provides a FoV which fits nicely for Tight Portraiture with Shallow DoF; also 35mm easily provides for a range of street shooting techniques, as examples: Hip-shooting and zone focussing.


03-02-2013, 7:14pm
Well I have returned fron Canada and Hawaii and have found the trip to be both educational regards gear to take and fantastic scenery all round
I will get to post some shots when I have sorted and edited some of the 3000 plus taken
I am starting to use PS6 and know this will be a vertical learning curve
Have purchased a magazine that deals with PS6 in some depth but I am a firm believer in using the product to learn what it is capable of (with a little bit of help :-) )
did buy the 17-40 L lens and have found it to be quite useful although as every one states the 24-105 is the fav
will try and post a few unedited shots