View Full Version : Photos are too sharp... huh?!

09-12-2012, 11:10pm
Hi gals and guys, today I got a rather interesting comment from a friend of mine regard to the photos I took for my group of friends during usual gathering. The usual gathering would be certain kid/one of the friend's bday, Easter gathering, or Xmas etc.....

This friend commented that my photo is too sharp and seeing too much face features including scars or pimple....

I was like "Huh?!?!??!?!?!" So I guess L lenses has it's down side as well :p LOL.

But more importantly, I am quite confused about what friend gathering photos should looks like? Any idea?

10-12-2012, 3:54am
Funnily enough, I got the same response a couple of weeks back...

I always get the job of being the family photographer, and up until now I have mostly been using a 7D with a 24-105 f4L. Now that I have a 5D mkIII, I've been using the same lens with that. I've been told by 3 people that my photos now make them look old! (yes, they were all women lol). Usually they are full of compliments for my photos.

I dunno, may have been the day, the light, the place... Or maybe they are just getting old! :2glee:

10-12-2012, 5:10am
Was this on screen, or in print?
How do you sharpen your photos?

It could also be that the people commenting spend way to much time looking at 'soft focus' stuff, and even the skin smoothing done in gossip mags etc that they think all skin should be smoothed in photography.

10-12-2012, 8:26am
Clarity is always better on dslr compared to compacts. Women wanna look good in their photos, subtle is the key in processing. I certainly don't want a macro shot of my face, lol.

10-12-2012, 8:39am
Rick, it was on the screen, shared on FB page. I just use lightroom 4/Camera Raw to do the sharpening. Because it was taken at ISO1600 so the sharpening will be at round about 40 with radius at 90.

You got a point about the the audience spend way to much time at soft focus stuff!

Sometime I wonder should I take these comments into my consideration when taking/processing pictures.

Steve Axford
10-12-2012, 10:24am
Ah. Sharpening faces, particularly of women you know, is a dodgy thing to do. I will often only sharpen the eyes, mouth and a little of the nose (that T that we look at). The rest of the face can be softened a little and blemishes removed or softened. This is not done because you like it that way, it is done because the viewer likes it that way. Sometimes it is best to bow to public pressure or you will find that close friends don't want you to take their photos.

10-12-2012, 11:40am
Maybe they're just used to the quality of what most people put up on Facebook and have no idea how to view an actual quality photo :)

10-12-2012, 11:44am
I personally come to a conclusion that: you just can't please anyone :2bull:

While friend A saying it's too sharp, friend B commented on "would like to see the image more yellow-lish, just because he prefer to see things in a warmer tone"....

I was like, hello, WB is at 8000 odd K already!!

Maybe I should just stick to my own gun and my own style, what do you think?

- - - Updated - - -

Maybe they're just used to the quality of what most people put up on Facebook and have no idea how to view an actual quality photo :)

That was my 1st "mental response" but then I quickly think does that make me a snob? :) So I thought I'd like to ask other's opinion.

10-12-2012, 12:57pm
It's probably hard to give an opinion without seeing a few of the images. Have you put them in the CC area?
Personally I only sharpen the eyes, part of the nose and lips . Skin tones depend on the mood I want to convey but I prefer warm tones :)

10-12-2012, 7:21pm
i've been told that digital photographs look too digital ie sharp/clear and that photos from film were so much more flattering.

while I disagree, portraits are subject to ultra scrutiny by the portraitee. still, i'd rather have the problem of softening rather than sharpening

11-12-2012, 2:28am
The pics are really more of candid than portrait. The people in the picture just busy with what they are doing and I am merely recording the moment. String these pictures together then we all have a piece of memory for this particular day.

When I have received the comment I was stunned a little, I guess I am the kind of person who like to please everyone around me. I also do not want to jump into the conclusion that "she doesn't know photography and I do", I do feel I am a bit ignorant if I allow myself to think that way.

But I guess at the end of the day photography is a form of art (or has some artistic element involved), and it become subjective due to different individual's personal taste. Maybe I shouldn't be worry too much about it :p