View Full Version : Back again

08-12-2012, 8:29pm
Hi Everyone

Sorry I haven't been on here for a bit as I started a new job I have not had time over the last few months to do much camera work and the been on bed rest with my 2nd child on the way. I hope everyone has been all good and still taking lots of photo's looking forward to get back into some more photography


08-12-2012, 8:47pm
Welcome back and congrats on the impending addition to the family

08-12-2012, 11:12pm
:gday: & Welcome Back

Mary Anne
08-12-2012, 11:59pm
Hello Kel :action66: and Welcome back. Congrats from me also.

09-12-2012, 6:02am
Welcome Back to AP Kel

09-12-2012, 11:54am
Thanks everyone it great to be back as I have been missing seeing all the wonderful photo's and taking some my self I was meant to have my first family photo shot yesterday which I was looking forward to but they never showed up and I can't get in contact with them to see what happen but hope to get some photo's to post over Christmas when I not as busy.