View Full Version : Helichopter flight over the 12 Apostles

04-12-2012, 9:25pm
I'm doing a chopper flight over the Apostles over the Christmas break and want to know whether to do it in the morning or afternoon to take advantage of the sunlight.

05-12-2012, 1:05pm
if were me i'd go arvo.... but thats cause i am not a morning person ;)

05-12-2012, 1:09pm
When we did this, we were first out in the morning. Normally, they need to fly at 1,000 feet, if there is some cloud cover, they're allowed to go under this. We flew at 500ft above sea level. Helped there were no other tourists etc.
Go the morning, sit in the front and have a great time. Look-out for the sinkholes on the top of the plateau.

05-12-2012, 3:35pm
When we did this, we were first out in the morning. Normally, they need to fly at 1,000 feet, if there is some cloud cover, they're allowed to go under this. We flew at 500ft above sea level. Helped there were no other tourists etc.
Go the morning, sit in the front and have a great time. Look-out for the sinkholes on the top of the plateau.

Apprciate that thanks.

07-12-2012, 6:23pm
Agree with the morning as far as the helo is concerned. When you are facing north in the chopper looking back across the coast the sun will be at about two o'clock right on the horizon (sunrise flight). Spectacular but also think about using a grad filter for effect (rarely successful in post). The afternoon is great from landside (setting sun over apostles) but also great if you get out on the promenade looking back. In both cases the light will change rapidly so keep your finger firmly on the trigger and waist the spoils when you get home. With plenty of battery you could get a thousand shots across the day and hopefully something different.

Old Skool
07-12-2012, 10:54pm
Where are you staying? Unless you are staying at Port Campbell it is quite a drive to get there so that may determine if you do an early morning flight. I did one about 9am after driving down there from Torquay - was about a 2 hour drive from memory. That time of the day was pretty good for light, but really anytime will be good. Just bump up your ISO if need be as you want a fast shutter speed to reduce any vibrations from the chopper.