View Full Version : There is no justice...!!!

03-12-2012, 10:54pm
So......heres the scenario, my brother rings up and says he has a video shoot on and wants to borrow some gear for the weekend, he works for a video/sound production company but also freelances and does music videos, promotional stuff ect.....borrows my 7D, all my lenses, GoPro's, Konova Slider, tripods, pan heads ect.....no problems happy to oblige as he will return the favours when I need :2encou:

He lives about 2 hours and 160km's away so agree to meet half way after work last Thursday night, make the drop off and back home I go......

Anyway the weekend rolls around, I have plenty of neglected chores to catch up on normally ignored to race off and do some shooting, and Saturday turns out to be a nice day, I get a phone call late in the day.....a local fisherman has caught a rather large fish, wants to hang it up at the weigh station and asks if I can come and take a few shots......but no camera......went and had a look anyway and as I am driving back home what did I see, the most amazing pink sky in the East as the sun set in the West with some interesting cloud formations......but no camera......as the evening progressed a storm started to form in the sky and as night fell it got darker and darker as a thunder storm started, huge forks of lightening crackled across the sky, an awesome show that lasted for hours and something I have been waiting to see and shoot for a long time......but no camera.....then during the day on Sunday my wife was in the bathroom and heard a ruckus outside the window, opened it and here is a small honey eater chick sitting there being rather loud and obnoxious, my wife sticks her had out and it lets her touch it, not only touch it pick it up and bring it inside where it decided it was quite happy and stayed with us for the day, sitting on her finger, shoulder the chair, even let her feed it some suger water, would have made the perfect wild bird model for some cracker shots......and yes, still no camera...........

Some days its just straight out unfair........but makes you appreciate whats around you thats for sure :)

Hope this proved entertaining for some........any similar stories out there feel free to share

oh....and I have my camera back now

old dog
04-12-2012, 9:50am
the irony of it all. At least you got to see these great things.

04-12-2012, 10:17am
Sounds like your bro owes you big time! I'd say trip to the local stripclub bigtime! :D

Mark L
04-12-2012, 10:03pm
So......heres the scenario, my brother rings up and says he has a video shoot on and wants to borrow some gear for the weekend, he works for a video/sound production company but also freelances and does music videos, promotional stuff ect....
Maybe he can afford a 1100D as a Christmas present to you. Just in case, for the next time he needs you're 7D!

05-12-2012, 7:54am
Some good karma for the future?:xmas:

05-12-2012, 4:14pm
Is it just us, or is it always the case? Maybe some good lawyers can help.
I saw this witticism on my way through the northern reaches of Brisbane the other day.

Trust Google to bend it like this! (http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=238+Kelvin+Grove+Rd,+Kelvin+Grove+QLD+4059&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=54.902961,102.832031&ie=UTF8&geocode=FTIqXf4dd8EeCQ&split=0&view=map)

O-oak-kay! You have to get street view up and then you'll see it.

05-12-2012, 4:32pm
Sigh, that's always the way. Some weeks I decide I'm going to take my camera EVERYWHERE and nothing happens. Then I get bored of lugging it around and something interesting pops up to shoot.

Also, not to lecture, but it's (I thought) pretty common knowledge that you don't touch a baby bird because the parents are known (proven) to neglect eggs/chicks that have been touched by people.

Mark L
05-12-2012, 9:02pm

Also, not to lecture, but it's (I thought) pretty common knowledge that you don't touch a baby bird because the parents are known (proven) to neglect eggs/chicks that have been touched by people.
Have returned a few young ones to their nests, and bred some as well. Yet to see any rejection by parents. Just my experience. (maybe I'm not human :2biggn:)

05-12-2012, 9:15pm
Also, not to lecture, but it's (I thought) pretty common knowledge that you don't touch a baby bird because the parents are known (proven) to neglect eggs/chicks that have been touched by people.

If its a chick in the nest absolutely but this wasnt the case, this little fella was flying around of his own free will :)

GTP 290
05-12-2012, 10:13pm
I can relate. I'm a bit of an amature storm chaser and up here in the north west we have some great lightning shows during out wet season. I'm usually out catching what ever I can when the rains come through. The big storms usually roll through town when I'm out drinking (don't touch the gear when drunk). Not just out without my gear, but out drinking/drunk.

Steve Axford
06-12-2012, 7:48am
Also, not to lecture, but it's (I thought) pretty common knowledge that you don't touch a baby bird because the parents are known (proven) to neglect eggs/chicks that have been touched by people.

Common knowledge isn't always right. Birds have very poor sense of smell and most (if not all) cannot detect the smell of humans.

Back to the subject. Sometimes it is good to just watch and apreciate without always thinking about apertures and shutter speeds.

Ms Monny
06-12-2012, 9:41am
Oh I understand how you feel BIG TIME!

Last week the storms that came through were amazing....the sky was ablaze with colour and the clouds made me squeal....and I couldn't get out AT ALL because of family duties! Two days of this and I was one depressed chicky. The day I went out to see what I could find....NOTHING!! Hazy sunset with no colour and just a flat grey cloud that blocked anything half decent!!

Even a friend, who wouldn't know one end of a camera to the other, took shots of the stormy, fire-coloured sunset with his phone and it looked amazing.....imagine what a DSLR could do???

Probably not on a scale of your woes, but it certainly gives you the ****, doesn't it??

07-12-2012, 9:00am
Even a friend, who wouldn't know one end of a camera to the other, took shots of the stormy, fire-coloured sunset with his phone and it looked amazing.....imagine what a DSLR could do???

Probably not on a scale of your woes, but it certainly gives you the ****, doesn't it??

I know...........a few people said to me the next day did I get any good shots of the lightning only to have to tell them I missed out, then to be show heaps of pictures that actually looked alright taken on iPhones and iPads :(