View Full Version : Script in Photoshop

03-12-2012, 2:49pm
Mongo has just finished preparing a logo and letterhead etc for a friend who has a blog through which see shows and sells her handy crafts.

Mongo prepared all of this on a "transparent" background so she could simply print it on different coloured paper from time to time.

Problem: While it looks good on screen, when Mongo prints it, the script and logo are printed very well BUT they are all mirror reversed !! Not surprising if it is prepared on a transparent background.

Question: does anyone know how Mongo can overcome this problem and have everything print as it appears on screen on the letterhead/logo page ????

Mongo would be very grateful and happy if you could help.....and a happy Mongo is a less dangerous Mongo

03-12-2012, 4:13pm
Image - Image Rotation - Flip Horosontally.

Edit: Reply tongue in cheek

03-12-2012, 7:12pm
Is your friend running the script in Photoshop? It may not be your script. It may be their printer setup. I don't use scripts a lot. Did some experimentation with droplets and running those via scripts. I'd be happy to tale a look at your script though, just as a fresh set of eyes. PM me if you want me to do that.

You do mean scripts and not actions, don't you?

03-12-2012, 8:10pm
thank you Greg and thanks Warbler for your kind offer.

Perhaps Mongo did not express himself well enough. By “script” he means normal “text”.

Greg, Mongo already tried what you have suggested and , yes, it works. However, that means you have to view the document on your screen in mirror reverse in order to get it to print the right way round. As you know, Mongo is trying to get it to look right on screen and print right.

Warbler, it is not a printer issue as Mongo has so far only tried it on his own printer which is already set up correctly for his photoshop documents. Now that Mongo has clarified “script” to mean “text” , does that help and do you have any more ideas... ???

Mongo thinks it has all to do with preparing the master copy on a “transparent” background . Still need help though.

03-12-2012, 8:17pm
Well, what I'd be inclined to do Mongo, is to prepare the header with everything set out exactly how you want it to appear. Do this on an A4 canvas if that is the intended output media size. Save this as a GIF with the transparent background. Then just print the GIF. If she wants to use different sized stationery, then you might need to use the "Put" command in PS to resize your GIF file.

03-12-2012, 8:37pm
You need to look at the reflection of your monitor in a mirror and all will be good :)

03-12-2012, 10:12pm
Well, what I'd be inclined to do Mongo, is to prepare the header with everything set out exactly how you want it to appear. Do this on an A4 canvas if that is the intended output media size. Save this as a GIF with the transparent background. Then just print the GIF. If she wants to use different sized stationery, then you might need to use the "Put" command in PS to resize your GIF file.

thanks Warbler. Mongo has them already saved as Tiffs in A4 size. Tried it again but this time printed them from view NX instead of Photoshop and it just came out right ! Went back and tried it in photoshop and it also printed correctly this time too. So, do not know what the problem was but it seems to be a problem no longer.

- - - Updated - - -

You need to look at the reflection of your monitor in a mirror and all will be good :)

Hakka , Mongo says thanks...he thinks ....???

03-12-2012, 10:37pm
"Thanks - he thinks?"
What? A think-thank???

It was certainly an intriguing tale. This 1/2-thought kept niggling away...
"...something about reverse printing in the PS print options...was he using Print with Preview?..."

I may be glad - ie, I think - it may be solved. I would like to be apprised of any certainty there, and so make my 1/2-life more tolerable.

PS - the Latin version: so for a restaurant, say, would you use a menu-script?

04-12-2012, 5:43am
TIF cannot have transparent background, The file MUST be a GIF to have a transparent background.

04-12-2012, 6:27am
Mongo, I think ricktas is right about it having to be a GIF. Certainly a GIF does work. Wouldn't it be easier though to just load this into the header area on a MS Word Template if that is her word processor of choice? They're pretty easy to set-up, or they used to be. The last time I did that was a few years ago before MS took to changing the basic operating themes every version.

You're obviously already on top of this though from your earlier post that it seems to work fine now.


04-12-2012, 7:30am
Thank you all again.

A few things about what each of you have said.

AM, you are probably quite correct. the Photoshop menu for printing does have additional options including “reverser orientation” and “flip horizontally” . Mongo is not sure but he may have seen one of these was ticked previously without realizing it had been. Since unticking them, all has been well. So, thanks AM.

Rick, Since sorting out the problem as above, Mongo has successfully printed the letterhead/logo correctly as a transparency in Tiff. Also, note that the “save as” GIF option did not come up in CS5 at all without going through a strange process of “Photoshop”, “plugins”, “CompuServe GIF” (this is on a Mac.). When Mongo did get that up, the save as options specifically provided for saving it as a Gif “transparency”. So, what you say about the Gif will no doubt work but Mongo has accidentally found it works for Tiff as well. For reasons of being sure in future, it may be better that Mongo go the Gif route as it expressly provides for the transparency feature. Hopefully, this format can be recognised by the computer and printer which may be used elsewhere.

Tim, a very big Mongo thanks to you for all your help and advice.

Problem appears solved

04-12-2012, 8:03am
Mongo, the GIF option won't appear until you are in 8-bit mode. (in CS6 anyway). Adobe fixed the JPEG issue where you can now save as a JPEG directly from within 16-bit mode, but GIF obviously slipped through the cracks. :scrtch:

04-12-2012, 8:30am
Why a gif? go with the PNG option, alot better qaulity.

If it was me i would save as a photoshop eps, then run that through distiller and end up with a nice PDF with all the text and smart objects still in vector form.

But if it is only for a letter head, use the save for web option, PNG 24 and you will have no issues at all, photoshop may tell you that the file is to large for save for web but ignore that.

04-12-2012, 11:25am
Here Mongo. If you want to give it a try.


04-12-2012, 11:39am
Doesn't matter about the file type, white in a file will print 'nothing', ie- on white paper it will be white, on green paper it will be green, et al. JPEG, TIF, GIF, doesn't matter, just need to make sure it has a decent resolution.

04-12-2012, 8:44pm
Doesn't matter about the file type, white in a file will print 'nothing', ie- on white paper it will be white, on green paper it will be green, et al. JPEG, TIF, GIF, doesn't matter, just need to make sure it has a decent resolution.

thanks for this surprising info. Mongo went to a lot of trouble to remove all the white and make the background a transparency !! It seems all of that was for nothing !! but good to know now anyway.

however, that raises a new problem in that case. The logo has a white or cream coloured sheep in it that must stay white even if printed on colour A4 paper. If White does not print anything (and will allow the underneath colour of the paper come through), how do we stop that so that the seep alone prints white ??????

05-12-2012, 11:36am
The only way you'll be able to print 'white' on any coloured background is to possibly move to Offset (expensive, big runs) type printing where they can use a white pigment ink. To my knowledge, there's no desktop type printer available that will print white.
The alt to this (not knowing exactly what you're trying to acheive here) is to have stickers/labels printed and die cut to the shape you want, so the sheep part will be white (of the label stock).

05-12-2012, 1:50pm
you have done the hard work of cutting out the sheep and have it on a transparent background so that will come in handy down the track for her when using it for digital work,

If i wanted what you want the only way i can see is to set up a A4 page the colour you want with the logo on it then have that professionally printed for each colour. The paper will be white and the colour will be printed on to it so the sheep will remain white.