View Full Version : Hello All

27-11-2012, 11:27pm
Hello all.

I am new to photography and was recommended to this site.

Well since I was 8 Cricket was my life, I played, played, played and then when the knees were too bad I umpired! I love the game it is one of the best sports in the world and I could do it ok too. Well then I did my back in 2009 and after too much medication and then surgery it is much better, but I can’t possibly stand in the best seat in the house as an umpire any more so what to do with myself.
So, without a major part of my life, I feel lost, like I have had my arm cut off. The journey has been tough and left me without my hobby, activities and interests. So the pursuit of something new has begun.
I looked at remote control cars, which boy has not dreamt of having one of those, and at 41 I guess I could find the money to get one! So would I actually get into it? I doubt it, I am not mechanical really, so was not going to get into the tuning and tweaking of that, as I thought it through I could see it becoming a toy that sat in the garage collecting dust, and from what I read they break! So it would become a broken toy collecting dust.
So I was thinking about what I like to do, what I could see my self doing and what would fit with my life. As I thought it through Photography seems to tick a lot of the right boxes. I have always liked taking photos with the point and shoot cameras I have had and even like taking photos with my phone! It fits in with family, holidays, sports, computers (I like them too). it just seems like a hobby that would work.
So with inspiration and advice from Paul and Kate I decided to take up the hobby of Photography.
http://photos.snook.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/394513_10150731622794465_433156045_n-300x200.jpg (http://photos.snook.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/394513_10150731622794465_433156045_n.jpg)
So this is a blog about the journey. I have not even got a camera yet, so we start this right at the beginning!

28-11-2012, 6:18am
Welcome to AP. Pull up a chair and join in, its the best way to learn

28-11-2012, 6:43am
Welcome to AP, a good place to start is the library so have a read in here http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php

Mary Anne
28-11-2012, 7:09am
Hello and Welcome to AP .. Photography is a great hobby and you will do well by learning whats on here.
And when you take that big step to get a different camera the Members will be here to help in any way they can.

28-11-2012, 8:28am
:gday: & Welcome
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

01-12-2012, 10:07pm
Hi there and welcome to AP:santa:

04-12-2012, 11:19pm
Hi welcome to AP :)